MSc Computer Science and SwDesign in an Open Source Project: Transformers


We are two students of the Master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of A Coruña. In one of the subjects, called Design of Information Systems, we have to do a case study of an open-source project. We have chosen :hugs: Transformers because we found it very interesting both the ease of use of the tool and its benefits over other alternatives.

We would like to raise some questions that would be very helpful for the realization of this project:

  • Is any methodology used during the development of :hugs:Transformers? Whether it is Scrum, Kanban, XP or a more traditional approach?

  • Is any documentation generated during the development process? For example, in the form of UML diagrams.

  • What would be some possible future steps for :hugs:Transformers?

Thank you very much for your time!