Diverse Generations for pseudolabeling

I read the FAIR self-training paper and it is very relevant, but I am struggling to understand the specifics of the approach.

Things I understood:

  • “use beam search decoding (beam size 5) to create the pseudo targets and to report BLEU on test set.” This outperforms sampling.
  • They train with dropout rate at 0.3. This helps.
  • They don’t do any cleaning or checking of the pseudolabels against the ground truth target.
  • all experiments are run on 8 GPUs with an effective batch size of 33K tokens.

Things I did not understand

In Figure 1 (page 3)

What is the difference between the light shade (pseudo-training) and dark shade (fine-tune) bars?

Section 3.2 tries to explain

(Below is excerpted then markdownd)
In Figure 1, we use green bars to show the result of applying self-training for three iterations. We include both

  • (1) pseudo-training (PT): the first step of self-training where we train a new model (from scratch) using only the pseudo parallel data generated by the current model, and
  • (2) fine- tuning (FT): the fine-tuned system using real parallel data based on the pretrained model from the PT step.
  • Note that in the fine-tuning step the system is re-initialized from scratch.
  • Surprisingly, we find that the pseudo-training step at the first iteration is able to improve BLEU even if the model is only trained on its own predictions, and fine-tuning further boosts the performance. The test BLEU keeps improving over the first three iterations, until convergence to outperform the initial baseline by 3 BLEU points.

So when they wrote: “the fine-tuned system using real parallel data based on the pretrained model from the PT step”,
I guess they mean At each interation, the fine-tuned system uses real parallel data and self-training data based on the trained model from the last step

Pseudocode of my understanding:

def fair_self_training_procedure(parallel_data, unlabeled_data, mode = 'pseudo training'):
    real_data = 100K pairs of (english-german sentences)
    unlabeled data = 3m English sentences
    pseudo_dataset = None

    # baseline
    model = randomly_initialize('transformer')
    model = train(model, original_data, dropout=0.3)
    baseline_performance = model.evaluate(original_validation_data)  # 15.6

    pseudo_dataset = (unlabeled_data, model.generate(unlabeled_data, num_beams=5))
    if mode == 'fine-tune':  # HELP
        pseudo_dataset = pseudo_dataset + parallel_data
    scores = []
    for iteration in range(3): # iteration 1,2,3
        model = randomly_initialize('transformer')  
        # Even in the fine-tuning step the system is re-initialized from scratch.
        model = train(model, pseudo_dataset, dropout=0.3)
        pseudo_dataset = (unlabeled_data, model.generate(unlabeled_data, num_beams=5))
        if mode == 'fine-tune':  # HELP
            pseudo_dataset = pseudo_dataset + parallel_data
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