About the 🤗Accelerate category

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Does Accelerate still kick in for validation (forward passes) too?

or its probably just my training snippet :thinking:

#Performing Validation and loggign out images
if epoch % 2 == 0:   #i % 100 == 0

  for i, (img, label) in enumerate(val_loader):

      with torch.no_grad():
          out, latent_loss = model(img)

      val_recon_loss = criterion(out, img)
      val_latent_loss = latent_loss.mean()
      val_loss = recon_loss + latent_loss_weight * latent_loss\

      val_mse_sum += recon_loss.item() * img.shape[0]
      val_mse_n += img.shape[0]

  wandb.log({"epoch": epoch+1, "val_mse": val_recon_loss.item(), 
          "val_latent_loss": val_latent_loss.item(), "val_avg_mse": (val_mse_sum/ val_mse_n), 
          "lr": lr})

      f'epoch: {epoch + 1}; val_mse: {val_recon_loss.item():.5f};'
      f'val_latent: {val_latent_loss.item():.3f}; val_avg_mse: {val_mse_sum / val_mse_n:.5f};'
      f'lr: {lr:.5f}'


Clearly, during my validation stage its using CPU for some reason…