Bert-base-uncased performs badly in next sentence prediction (bookcorpus)

I want to run some experiments on a pretrained Bert version.
It’s important for me to be able to import already trained models since I don’t have enough computing power to train my own Bert.
I found “bert-base-uncased” and I loaded it into a small script to test it’s loss in a next sentence prediction task on bookcorpus.

def test_one_epoch():
    running_loss = 0.
    last_loss = 0.

    for i, data in data_iter:
        inputs = data["input_ids"]
        labels = torch.tensor([[-100 for _ in range(512)] for __ in range(64)]) #data["input_ids"]
        token_type_ids = data["token_type_ids"]
        next_sentence_label = data["sentence_order_label"]

        outputs = model(input_ids = inputs, labels = labels, next_sentence_label = next_sentence_label, token_type_ids = token_type_ids)

        loss = outputs["loss"]

        running_loss += loss.item()
        if i % 10 == 9:
            last_loss = running_loss / 10 # loss per batch
            print('  batch {} loss: {}'.format(i + 1, last_loss))
            running_loss = 0.

    return last_loss

I’m running this with BertForPreTraining.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased"), but I’m ignoring the masked token task by setting all labels to -100 (which makes the token loss vanish).
The Problem is: Bert’s loss is costantly above 5, while a randomly initialized Bert actually reaches losses of less than 1 in the same task… Masked tokens doesn’t work incredibly well as well, but at least it’s a lot better than in the randomly initialized Bert.
Let’s have a look at the seq_relationship_logits:

tensor([[ 6.4212, -6.2590],
        [ 6.0083, -5.4779],
        [ 6.4277, -6.2895],
        [ 6.2112, -5.8529],
        [ 6.3191, -6.0712],
        [ 6.3102, -6.0506],
        [ 6.4885, -6.4182],
        [ 5.6914, -4.8888],
        [ 6.5099, -6.4894],
        [ 6.3911, -6.1799],
        [ 6.4764, -6.4173],
        [ 6.3429, -6.1152],
        [ 6.4858, -6.3851],
        [ 6.4291, -6.2763],
        [ 6.1265, -5.7106],
        [ 6.5050, -6.4992],
        [ 6.5056, -6.4890],
        [ 6.4731, -6.3811],
        [ 6.4910, -6.4487],
        [ 6.5018, -6.4842],
        [-2.3667,  4.9492],
        [ 6.5090, -6.4459],
        [ 6.3827, -6.1506],
        [ 6.4682, -6.3783],
        [ 6.5164, -6.5216],
        [ 6.5035, -6.4689],
        [ 6.4965, -6.4503],
        [ 6.4984, -6.4535],
        [ 6.4865, -6.4586],
        [ 6.4062, -6.2351],
        [ 6.4701, -6.3769],
        [ 6.4516, -6.3252],
        [ 6.4676, -6.3869],
        [ 3.8467, -2.2755],
        [ 5.9528, -5.4762],
        [ 6.5151, -6.4800],
        [ 5.9447, -5.2477],
        [ 6.3066, -5.9782],
        [ 6.2029, -5.8381],
        [ 6.3937, -6.2184],
        [ 4.1738, -3.0530],
        [ 6.0311, -5.6101],
        [ 6.5017, -6.4415],
        [ 6.4324, -6.3031],
        [ 4.7542, -3.7830],
        [ 6.5074, -6.4641],
        [ 6.5162, -6.5034],
        [ 6.3883, -6.1977],
        [ 6.4859, -6.4148],
        [ 6.5182, -6.4970],
        [ 5.5407, -4.9238],
        [ 6.3657, -6.1207],
        [ 6.5092, -6.4875],
        [ 6.5023, -6.4323],
        [ 6.3180, -6.0144],
        [ 6.2822, -6.0021],
        [ 6.1782, -5.7572],
        [ 6.4781, -6.3932],
        [ 6.4970, -6.4233],
        [ 6.2929, -6.0152],
        [ 6.4421, -6.3096],
        [ 6.2474, -5.8956],
        [ 6.2515, -5.9005],
        [ 6.1928, -5.7881]]

Even though the real distribution should be close to 50/50.

I see two possible reasons for this:
Transformers gives me the following warning when importing Bert:

Some weights of BertForPreTraining were not initialized from the model checkpoint at bert-base-uncased and are newly initialized: ['cls.predictions.decoder.bias']
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.

But looking at the implementation reveals, that the decoder.bias is actually a zero parameter?

self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(config.vocab_size))

        # Need a link between the two variables so that the bias is correctly resized with `resize_token_embeddings`
        self.decoder.bias = self.bias

Second possible reason: I implemented the dataset generation on my own (with a lot of copying). Maybe I made a mistake? I’d appreciate help a lot.

def create_examples_from_document(self):
        """Creates examples for a single document."""

        block_size = self.seq_length
        tokenizer = self.tokenizer
        short_seq_prob = 0.1
        self.lines = self.lines[:10000]
        self.examples = {}
        self.examples["tokenized_sentences"] = [[tokenizer._convert_token_to_id(token) for token in tokenizer._tokenize(line)] for line in self.lines]
        document = self.examples["tokenized_sentences"]
        # Account for special tokens
        max_num_tokens = block_size - 3#tokenizer.num_special_tokens_to_add(pair=True)

        # We *usually* want to fill up the entire sequence since we are padding
        # to `block_size` anyways, so short sequences are generally wasted
        # computation. However, we *sometimes*
        # (i.e., short_seq_prob == 0.1 == 10% of the time) want to use shorter
        # sequences to minimize the mismatch between pretraining and fine-tuning.
        # The `target_seq_length` is just a rough target however, whereas
        # `block_size` is a hard limit.
        target_seq_length = max_num_tokens
        if random.random() < short_seq_prob:
            target_seq_length = random.randint(2, max_num_tokens)

        # We DON'T just concatenate all of the tokens from a document into a long
        # sequence and choose an arbitrary split point because this would make the
        # next sentence prediction task too easy. Instead, we split the input into
        # segments "A" and "B" based on the actual "sentences" provided by the user
        # input.
        self.examples = []
        current_chunk = []  # a buffer stored current working segments
        current_length = 0
        i = 0
        while i < len(document):
            segment = document[i]  # get a segment
            if not segment:
                i += 1
            current_chunk.append(segment)  # add a segment to current chunk
            current_length += len(segment)  # overall token length
            # if current length goes to the target length or reaches the end of file, start building token a and b
            if i == len(document) - 1 or current_length >= target_seq_length:
                if current_chunk:
                    # `a_end` is how many segments from `current_chunk` go into the `A` (first) sentence.
                    a_end = 1
                    # if current chunk has more than 2 sentences, pick part of it `A` (first) sentence
                    if len(current_chunk) >= 2:
                        a_end = random.randint(1, len(current_chunk) - 1)
                    # token a
                    tokens_a = []
                    for j in range(a_end):

                    # token b
                    tokens_b = []
                    for j in range(a_end, len(current_chunk)):

                    if len(tokens_a) == 0 or len(tokens_b) == 0:

                    # switch tokens_a and tokens_b randomly
                    if random.random() < 0.5:
                        is_next = False
                        tokens_a, tokens_b = tokens_b, tokens_a
                        is_next = True

                    def truncate_seq_pair(tokens_a, tokens_b, max_num_tokens):
                        """Truncates a pair of sequences to a maximum sequence length."""
                        while True:
                            total_length = len(tokens_a) + len(tokens_b)
                            if total_length <= max_num_tokens:
                            trunc_tokens = tokens_a if len(tokens_a) > len(tokens_b) else tokens_b
                            if not (len(trunc_tokens) >= 1):
                                raise ValueError("Sequence length to be truncated must be no less than one")
                            # We want to sometimes truncate from the front and sometimes from the
                            # back to add more randomness and avoid biases.
                            if random.random() < 0.5:
                                del trunc_tokens[0]

                    truncate_seq_pair(tokens_a, tokens_b, max_num_tokens)
                    if not (len(tokens_a) >= 1):
                        raise ValueError(f"Length of sequence a is {len(tokens_a)} which must be no less than 1")
                    if not (len(tokens_b) >= 1):
                        raise ValueError(f"Length of sequence b is {len(tokens_b)} which must be no less than 1")

                    # add special tokens
                    input_ids = tokenizer.build_inputs_with_special_tokens(tokens_a, tokens_b)
                    # add token type ids, 0 for sentence a, 1 for sentence b
                    token_type_ids = tokenizer.create_token_type_ids_from_sequences(tokens_a, tokens_b)

                    example_text = {
                        "input_ids": input_ids,
                        "token_type_ids": token_type_ids,
                        "sentence_order_label": [0 if is_next else 1],
                    # print(len(example_text["input_ids"]), len(example_text["token_type_ids"]), len(example_text["sentence_order_label"]) )

                    # print(example_unpadded)
                    example = {}
                    for key, values in tokenizer.pad(example_text, "max_length", block_size).items():
                        example[key] = torch.tensor(values, dtype=torch.long)
                        # print(example[key], example[key].size())

                current_chunk = []  # clear current chunk
                current_length = 0  # reset current text length
            i += 1  # go to next line
        return self.examples

I had a good look at generated examples and I don’t see something wrong with them.
Help would be much appreciated. I’ve spent too much time on this already