I have a GPT2 model which I’m training (and works) that takes in an example input sequence and outputs a target sequence. I am able to log the model results of the validation set after the model has finished training but was hoping I could log after the end of an epoch, and was hoping to use callbacks.
What I’m hoping to log goes something like this:
class MyCallback(transformers.TrainerCallback):
def on_epoch_end(args: TrainingArguments, state: TrainerState, control: TrainerControl, **kwargs):
valid_dl = trainer.get_eval_dataloader()
for x, _ in valid_dl:
x_tokenized = tokenizer(x)
output = tokenizer.decode(model.generate(x_tokenized))
logging_fn(x, output)
I do not know how to access model, tokenizer and trainer in the above scenario. Any thoughts on how I could achieve above effect?