Cross Entropy Loss and loss of HuggingFace T5ForConditionalGeneration does not matches

See my comments below. Only where you calculate loss manually you replace 0 with -100. This replacement does not happen in the built-in T5ForConditionalGeneration method so you have to do the replacement beforehand.

# Here you get loss based on "target_text_input_ids" as-is (no ignored index)
loss, outputs = self(
    source_text_input_ids, source_text_attention_mask, target_text_input_ids
loss_mine = None

output = self.model(

# Here you first set the padding IDs to -100 so that CE will ignore them...
labels = batch["target_text_input_ids"].clone()
labels[labels == 0] = -100
if target_text_input_ids is not None:
    loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-100)
    # ... and THEN you calculate loss
    loss_mine = loss_fct(output.logits.view(-1, outputs.size(-1)), labels.view(-1))
    print(f"loss_huggingface: {loss.item()}, loss_mine : {loss_mine.item()}")