I’ve been scratching my head for the past 20 mins on a stupid one character difference (capital case letter vs lower case letter) in a path… Is there a particular reason to lower case the path to the deepspeed config json?
current_env["PYTHONPATH"] = sys.executable
current_env["MIXED_PRECISION"] = str(mixed_precision)
current_env["USE_DEEPSPEED"] = "true"
current_env["DEEPSPEED_ZERO_STAGE"] = str(args.zero_stage)
current_env["GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS"] = str(args.gradient_accumulation_steps)
current_env["GRADIENT_CLIPPING"] = str(args.gradient_clipping).lower()
current_env["DEEPSPEED_OFFLOAD_OPTIMIZER_DEVICE"] = str(args.offload_optimizer_device).lower()
current_env["DEEPSPEED_OFFLOAD_PARAM_DEVICE"] = str(args.offload_param_device).lower()
current_env["DEEPSPEED_ZERO3_INIT"] = str(args.zero3_init_flag).lower()
current_env["DEEPSPEED_ZERO3_SAVE_16BIT_MODEL"] = str(args.zero3_save_16bit_model).lower()
current_env["DEEPSPEED_CONFIG_FILE"] = str(args.deepspeed_config_file).lower()
if args.num_machines > 1 and args.deepspeed_multinode_launcher != DEEPSPEED_MULTINODE_LAUNCHERS[1]:
with open(".deepspeed_env", "a") as f:
for key, value in current_env.items():
if ";" in value or " " in value:
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=current_env)
Hello @VictorSanh , it was there for none
check but I have rewritten the check and now there is no need for lowercase. Fixed this in this PR /deepspeed enhancements and fixes by pacman100 · Pull Request #676 · huggingface/accelerate (github.com)
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