Finetuning whisper attention mask not set and canot be inferred

I was following @sanchit-gandhi 's tutorial ( but I got the following warning “The attention mask is not set and cannot be inferred from input because pad token is same as eos token. As a consequence, you may observe unexpected behavior. Please pass your input’s attention_mask to obtain reliable results.”.

This warning was introduced in a recent transformers release and I was trying to understand if it can affect the finetuning process. If so, how can we avoid it?

In my knowledge, I think the cause of the warning is the eos_token_id=pad_token_id=50257 in the tokenizer, but it’s fine because we replaced the pad_token_ids with -100 at the line labels = labels_batch["input_ids"].masked_fill(, -100) in the class DataCollatorSpeechSeq2SeqWithPadding.

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@duonguyen that makes sense, thanks!

I ran into the same error message when running this basic HF Whisper inference codes:

Does anyone know how to fix it? It seems to me in Whisper’s default config: pad_token_id = 50256, eos_token_id = 50256. How can I make them not equal?

This example for Longform transcription doesn’t work out-of-the-box either:
It runs into the same error message as above.

I added a line: kwargs["attention_mask"] = attention_mask here:
And it worked and got reasonable ASR results. I thought the transformers library changed some APIs at some point and Whisper didn’t pass in the attention_mask argument properly.

Not sure what’s the optimal solution.