HuggingArtists | Train a model to generate lyrics

In HuggingArtists, we can generate lyrics by a specific artist. This was made by fine-tuning a pre-trained HuggingFace Transformer on parsed datasets from Genius.

As well, we use Weights & Biases integration to automatically log model performance and predictions.
Weights & Biases

Project repository:
GitHub stars


Create training script for TPU with Flax/JAX. So users can choose GPU or TPU in Colab.


A pre-trained GPT2 model in English and fine-tune it to learn English lyrics.
The GPT2 model, pre-trained in English: link.


Parsed with this script from Genius.

Training scripts

GPU with PyTorch is available in project Colab:
Open In Colab
So we need to create for TPU with Flax/JAX.

Project outcome

Create training script for TPU with Flax/JAX. So users can choose GPU or TPU in Colab.


  • I am new with Flax/JAX, so I need some help.
  • There is no other challenges :wink:


We can integrate this project with Video and Music generation so we can create our AI-Artist :metal:
I hope to find like-minded people and create a cool project :boom:

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Wow this is really cool!

Thank you :hugs:
Can we add this project to “Community Notebooks”?
I would be very pleased to be on this list :blush:

Sure, we’ll be happy to accept a PR with it!

Can I join spaces for this project?

HuggingArtists and Spaces integration is available now: Huggingartists - a Hugging Face Space by AlekseyKorshuk

Thanks to @osanseviero for adding me to Spaces :hugs:

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