Inference endpoint "failed" and then "deleted"

Hey all,

I started a new endpoind a week ago. Everything worked well until now.
When I ask to launch the endpoint, status became “failed” after few minutes of initialization.

The BIG issue is : I ask for “pause” and “resume” and after few minutes, I receive a “running” status and the second after “endpoint not found”. When I look to administrattion window for HF, I have the message “The endpoint “stable-diffusion-xl-base-1-0-dvk” doesn’t exist, or has been deleted.”

The second BIG issue : within the billing information, I have “active” status which means time is running, and so the price is running too ! argh !!! I have no option to stop that…

How can I stop that ASAP ??

thx !

Hi, I have the same issue. I’ve paused my inference endpoint, then cancelled it and later deleted it, but in the billing page it shows that the inference model is Active and still charging.

Were you able to solve this issue? I’ve sent a support email to but still waiting for a reply.

Thanks in advance for your assitance.
