Pretrain swin Former on xview2 dataset (satellite dataset different from imagenet)

Trying to do contrastive pre-retraining model using NTXentLoss and microsoft/swin-tiny-patch4-window7-224 using deepspeed. The following steps were taken and I am still trying to learn and figure out the issues . Any pointers and suggestion welcome.

  1. Xview2 dataset is different from imagenet - hence the pretraining was done using mean,std computed on Xview 2

  2. The deep speed config used → {
    “train_batch_size”: 192,
    “gradient_clipping”: 1.0,
    “train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu”: 48,
    “gradient_accumulation_steps”: 1,
    “steps_per_print”: 100,
    “optimizer”: {
    “type”: “AdamW”,
    “params”: {
    “lr”: 1e-5,
    “betas”: [0.9, 0.98],
    “eps”: 1e-8,
    “weight_decay”: 1e-5
    “logging”: {
    “level”: “error”
    “scheduler”: {
    “type”: “WarmupDecayLR”,
    “params”: {
    “warmup_min_lr”: 1e-6,
    “warmup_max_lr”: 1e-5,
    “warmup_num_steps”: 1152,
    “total_num_steps”: 5760
    “fp16”: {
    “enabled”: true,
    “loss_scale”: 0,
    “initial_scale_power”: 14,
    “hysteresis”: 2,
    “min_loss_scale”: 1
    “activation_checkpointing”: {
    “partition_activations”: false,
    “contiguous_memory_optimization”: false
    “wall_clock_breakdown”: true

  3. Over a period of time I consistently get nan’s in Swin initial patch embedding layers .

  4. The model being trained - class PreTrainingSimCLRTiny(nn.Module):
    def init(self, config, patch_resolution=(48, 48), input_resolution=256, pretrained=True):
    super(PreTrainingSimCLRTiny, self).init()
    self.model_name = config[‘training’][‘model_name_small’]
    self.model = SwinModel.from_pretrained(self.model_name)
    self.image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained(self.model_name)

     # Remove classification head to use hidden states
     self.model.classifier = nn.Identity()
     self.patch_resolution = patch_resolution
     self.input_resolution = input_resolution
     self.config = config
     # Dimensionality settings
     d_model = config['training']['d_model_small']
     d_proj = config['training']['proj_d_model']
     self.hidden_size = d_model
     # Normalization, dropout, and projection head
     self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model)
     self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.1)
     # Projection head for contrastive learning
     self.projector = nn.Sequential(
         nn.Linear(d_model, d_proj),
         nn.Linear(d_proj, d_model),
         nn.LayerNorm(d_model)  # Add normalization to projector output
     # Forward hook to monitor embedding outputs
     def hook_fn(module, input, output):
         if torch.isnan(output).any() or torch.isinf(output).any():
             print(f"NaN or Inf detected in {module}.")
             print(f"Output stats: mean={output.mean()}, std={output.std()}, min={output.min()}, max={output.max()}")
             raise ValueError("NaN/Inf detected in model embeddings.")

    def init_weights(self, module):
    if isinstance(module, nn.Linear):
    if module.bias is not None:

    def forward(self, x, inputs, task=“contrastive”):
    Forward method for contrastive learning.

         x: Tensor of images.
         inputs: Preprocessed inputs for the Hugging Face model.
         task: Task type (default: "contrastive").
         Projected features for contrastive loss.
     # Ensure inputs are on the same device as the model
     device = next(self.model.parameters()).device
     # Convert inputs to FP16
     inputs = {k: v.half().to(device) for k, v in inputs.items()}
     # Convert model to FP16
     # Pass through the model
     outputs = self.model(**inputs)
     hidden_states = outputs.last_hidden_state  # (batch_size, num_patches, hidden_size)
     if task == "contrastive":
         # Normalize and project embeddings
         normalized_embeddings = F.normalize(hidden_states.mean(dim=1), dim=-1)
         normalized_embeddings = self.norm(normalized_embeddings)
         normalized_embeddings = self.dropout(normalized_embeddings)
         projected = self.projector(normalized_embeddings)
         return projected
         raise ValueError(f"Unknown task type: {task}")
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Errors encountered Reconstruction Loss (scaled): 0.0000, Contrastive Loss (scaled): 3.7316, Total Loss: 3.7316
Reconstruction Loss (scaled): 0.0000, Contrastive Loss (scaled): 3.6551, Total Loss: 3.6551
Reconstruction Loss (scaled): 0.0000, Contrastive Loss (scaled): 3.7225, Total Loss: 3.7225
Reconstruction Loss (scaled): 0.0000, Contrastive Loss (scaled): 3.7332, Total Loss: 3.7332
NaN/Inf gradient detected in model.embeddings.norm.weight at step 13
NaN/Inf gradient detected in model.embeddings.norm.weight at step 13
NaN/Inf gradient detected in model.embeddings.norm.weight at step 13
NaN/Inf gradient detected in model.embeddings.norm.weight at step 13
Logged NaN/Inf parameters to TensorBoard for step 13

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