RAG Retriever: hf vs legacy vs exact vs compressed

Hi Quentin!

We saw your post saying exact index has to be used for the replication of the paper RAG Retriever : Exact vs. Compressed Index?

However, HuggingFace documentation says that legacy index replicates the paper’s results RAG — transformers 4.11.2 documentation

Also if Compressed index uses the same wiki dump but FAISS index is loaded in the RAM, why can this not be used to replicate the paper’s results.

While using legacy to load the pretrained RAG retriever, we faced “MemoryError: std::bad_alloc”.

Kindly help us resolve the confusion as we are trying to load the RAG Retriever’s wiki dump for text based question answering.

Also the wiki dump seems to be huge (140G) and we do not have space for that much storage right now.

Is there any text based wiki dump that helps us to replicate the paper’s result while being smaller than 140G?

Looking forward to your guidance and help. Great thanks for your time!
