504 Gateway Timeout - LLaVA type GGUF models

and many similar models like llava 1.6 gguf, bakklava gguf, llava1.5 gguf etc…

These links gives 504 Gateway Timeout error.

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I’ve had the same issue trying to access Llava e.g. https://huggingface.co/cmp-nct/llava-1.6-gguf on this laptop+mobile using Firefox and Chrome logged in and not - just lots of 504 timeouts.

Coincidentally I’ve just noticed this from yesterday Reddit - Dive into anything and the linked gguf download page works (with the gguf details link) TheBloke/Mixtral-8x7B-v0.1-GGUF at main
The gguf details sidebar fails in my firefox but works in chrome (linux mint/ubuntu, everything up to date).
Maybe there’s a gguf update going on?

Thanks a lot for notifying the issue. The error is fixed now :slight_smile:

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