Accelerate: command not found

So I read about the accelerate library and it sounds way easier to use than the pytorch DPP.
So I installed it using pip install accelerate on my virtual machine (linux docker). After that I tried to type the command accelerate configurate in the terminal and it tells me that : bash: accelerate: command not found. any solutions please ?
Thanks in advance

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What may be happening is the wrong python could be getting pointed to: python - pip not installing entry_points as executables - Stack Overflow

You should check which python and pip show accelerate to see where everything is being installed.

Ideally try using something like venv or conda to install it there, I haven’t personally had issues with the entrypoint commands having issues that way

But isn’t google colab run in your browser totally independend from the programs you have downloaded on your pc? Like python? Furthermore I wouldn’t know how to check if the wrong python is being pointed at, since without the pro version one doesnt have access to the terminal

@JKMO even without the pro version your able to run commands and install stuff by implementing your code into a cell and by running it , me I’m using python and it was installed on the computer that google gives me remotely , and i install and the dependencies on it without acces to the terminal or pro membership

I got the same issue, in Jupiter notebook we need to provide the path variable,
this solution works for me → /home/user/.local/bin/accelerate launch… instead of direct accelerate launch …

I am trying to run transformer,however getting below error

ImportError: Using the Trainer with PyTorch requires accelerate>=0.21.0: Please run pip install transformers[torch] or pip install accelerate -U

could you please help me which version need to be used.

Transformer - 4.42.4
accelerate - 0.29.3

ImportError: Using the Trainer with PyTorch requires accelerate>=0.21.0: Please run pip install transformers[torch] or pip install accelerate -U
I am also having this issue.
Running pip list shows:
Package Version

accelerate 0.32.1
certifi 2024.7.4
charset-normalizer 3.3.2
colorama 0.4.6
contourpy 1.2.1
cycler 0.12.1
et-xmlfile 1.1.0
filelock 3.15.4
fonttools 4.53.0
fsspec 2024.6.1
huggingface-hub 0.23.4
idna 3.7
intel-openmp 2021.4.0
Jinja2 3.1.4
kiwisolver 1.4.5
MarkupSafe 2.1.5
matplotlib 3.9.0
mkl 2021.4.0
mpmath 1.3.0
networkx 3.3
numpy 1.26.4
openpyxl 3.1.3
packaging 24.1
pandas 2.2.2
pillow 10.3.0
pip 24.1.2
psutil 6.0.0
pyparsing 3.1.2
python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0
pytz 2024.1
PyYAML 6.0.1
regex 2024.5.15
requests 2.32.3
safetensors 0.4.3
seaborn 0.13.2
six 1.16.0
sympy 1.13.0
tbb 2021.13.0
tokenizers 0.19.1
torch 2.3.1
tqdm 4.66.4
transformers 4.42.4
typing_extensions 4.12.2
tzdata 2024.1
urllib3 2.2.2
What should I do? I don’t really feel that I should have to set up a new virtual environment for this error? Could there be something else going on?