Best Affordable Way to Generate Videos from Text?

I’m new to this and looking for a budget-friendly way to generate videos from text.

Is there a text-to-video model I can find, deploy, and run myself? Would that be a good solution? Or would it be better to buy some credits and use something from “Spaces”?

Also, how is the cost calculated? Does it depend on compute time, the length of the generated video, or something else?

Honestly, I don’t fully understand how Hugging Face works for this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance! :raised_hands:

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Spaces can be used for free by all users. Only Spaces that say “Running on ZERO” will have a different amount of available quota depending on whether you are a $9/month subscriber or not…

The creator is probably free to charge for it, but Hugging Face will not charge you. You will not be charged unless you voluntarily pay.
So, I think it’s a good idea to try using it in various ways first.

If you want to operate your own service, I think you will have to use the pay-as-you-go Endpoint API or Spaces or another company’s cloud service. Video generation is very heavy…

Thank you John. I was wondering this too. :slight_smile:

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