[Blenderbot] Getting runtime error while using generate

While using blenderbot small model, I got a peculiar error saying–
RuntimeError: probability tensor contains either inf, nan or element < 0

I have been using generator function for many days, but never had this issue. Below is the code i used-

model = BlenderbotForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(‘facebook/blenderbot-90M’)
tokenizer = BlenderbotSmallTokenizer.from_pretrained(‘facebook/blenderbot-90M’)
outputs = model.generate(input_ids=encoded, max_length=20, do_sample=True, temperature=1.5, top_k=150, top_p=0.99)

Hi @parvej , could you also post the input (the encoded variable in your snippet) that way we can reproduce it.

Could you solve it? I’m facing the same issue.

facing same issue and waiting for solution