Bug in Offset generation for Rupee symbol

Hi, When I am using the rupee symbol in a sentence Offset is dividing that symbol into 3 different symbols but instead of having (0,1)(1,2)(2,3), it is giving (0,1)(0,1)(0,1) which is causing issues in a mismatch between actual words and generated labels.For example

from transformers import AutoTokenizer

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(‘distilroberta-base’, add_prefix_space=True)

sent=“total amount that need to be paid is ₹ 500”


output=tokenizer(words, is_split_into_words=True,return_offsets_mapping=True)



for token,offset in zip(tokens,offset):


I am getting the following output
-----> (0, 0)
Ä total -----> (0, 5)
Ä amount -----> (0, 6)
Ä that -----> (0, 4)
Ä need -----> (0, 4)
Ä to -----> (0, 2)
Ä be -----> (0, 2)
Ä paid -----> (0, 4)
Ä is -----> (0, 2)
Ġâ -----> (0, 1) #problem
Ä€ -----> (0, 1)#problem
¹ -----> (0, 1)#poblem
Ä 500 -----> (0, 3)
-----> (0, 0)

As you can see above rupee symbol got divided in to 3 different labels but offset is still (0,1) for all three symbols