Clarification on the attention_mask

Hello everyone,

I am trying to build a domain specific RoBERTa model and I need clarification on the attention_mask usage. Glossary ( says “The attention mask is a binary tensor indicating the position of the padded indices so that the model does not attend to them.”

On the github page (
lines 196-198:
if attention_mask is not None:
# Apply the attention mask is (precomputed for all layers in RobertaModel forward() function)
attention_scores = attention_scores + attention_mask

I would think masking would be a multiplication of attention scores with the attention_mask, not addition. Could someone clarify this for me?

My purpose looking into attention_mask is to be able to use it as a quick way of assigning fixed weights to certain tokens. For example, if I have a domain specific sentence like this: “Parasequence boundaries may be distinguished by differences in physical and chemical properties”, where I care more about the domain specific words than the common language words. I assumed attention_mask could be used as a domain specific weighting. thanks!

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Hi! The attention mask is made so that it accepts 0s and 1s. Putting a 1 indicates that this token should be attended to, while putting a 0 indicates a value that should not be attended to.

In the models it is modified here (inversion), which means that tokens that have a 1 value will now have 0, and tokens that have a 0 value will now have -10000.

This value is then summed to the attention scores here: if tokens had 1 initially, nothing changes. If tokens has 0 initially, their attention scores becomes a very negative value, nullifying their impact on the sequence.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to use this attention mask to assign fix weights to certain tokens. The attention_mask can be used to nullify the impact of certain tokens on the rest of the sequence, but that’s about it.


Thank you for your response, very clear. I have missed the inversion part. Now it makes perfect sense. Thanks again!

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If you see this, wondering if you pursued this idea @zb1 and whether you implemented something of your own or found some other workaround? Thanks!