Dataset creation template

Hi, I have created a Dataset using the script to upload to the hub, yet cannot figure out how to create it from Builder class(e.g. calling NewDataset()). I adapted this after reviewing some Dataset creation script from other benchmarks (e.g. · ceval/ceval-exam at main), but don’t know how to proceed next. Thank you.

datasets.load_dataset("user/dataset_name") (or datasets.load_dataset("path/to/local/folder") for local dataset) is how you load a dataset.

If the dataset in question is hosted on the Hub and public, feel free to link it so we can provide more info on how to load/fix it :slightly_smiling_face:.

Hi, thank you for your answer. I actually intend to create and share a new dataset into the hub through the above script (GeneratorBasedBuilder class). Yet, after constructing the class, I wasn’t able to initialize or use it.

after constructing the class, I wasn’t able to initialize or use it.

What do you mean by that? You should use load_dataset("path/to/folder_with_script") (or directly pass a path to the script) to build a dataset from a loading script.