Do we need to explicity save the model if the save steps is not a multiple of the num steps with HF?

Do we need to explicity save the model if the save steps is not a multiple of the num steps with HF trainera?

    trainer.save_model(output_dir=output_dir)  # TODO is this relaly needed?

cross: Discord
ref: Do we need to explicity save the model if the save steps is not a multiple of the num steps with HF?

Do we need to explicitly save a Hugging Face (HF) model trained with HF trainer after the trainer.train() even if we are checkpointing?

related question: huggingface transformers - Do we need to explicitly save a Hugging Face (HF) model trained with HF trainer after the trainer.train() even if we are checkpointing? - Stack Overflow

going to use:

    # - Make sure to save best checkpoint TODO: do we really need this?
    final_ckpt_dir = output_dir / f'ckpt-{max_steps}'
    final_ckpt_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    trainer.save_model(output_dir=final_ckpt_dir)  # TODO is this relaly needed?

if you want to save tokenizer I think you need to do:



    # note: seems trainer doesn't save tokenizer automatically 
    trainer.save_model(output_dir=output_dir)  # TODO is this really needed?
    ## tokenizer.save_pretrained(output_dir=output_dir)  # ref:

final ref: huggingface transformers - Do we need to explicitly save a Hugging Face (HF) model trained with HF trainer after the trainer.train() even if we are checkpointing? - Stack Overflow

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