Error invoking DialoGPT-large via serverless inference endpoint - can only concatenate str (not "dict") to str"


Using the server less inference with the following request as per the documentation:

curl \
        -X POST \
        -d '{
                   "Which movie is the best ?"
                   "It is Die Hard for sure."
                "text":"Can you explain why ?"
          }' \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Key>"

I get the following response:

   "error":"unknown error",
      "There was an inference error: unknown error: can only concatenate str (not \"dict\") to str"

What am I missing?

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Update: I managed to get something by stringifying the body, however:

curl \
        -X POST \
        -d '{\"inputs\": {\"past_user_inputs\": [\"Which movie is the best ?\"], \"generated_responses\": [\"It is Die Hard for sure.\"], \"text\":\"Can you explain why ?\"}}' \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Key>"

The response is:

[{"generated_text":"{\\\"inputs\\\": {\\\"past_user_inputs\\\": [\\\"Which movie is the best ?\\\"], \\\"generated_responses\\\": [\\\"It is Die Hard for sure.\\\"], \\\"text\\\":\\\"Can you explain why ?\\\"}}ourse"}]%

Looks entirely buggy to me ?

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I’m having the same problem on the Hugging Face AutoTrain Playgroun after fine-tuning my model.

@redvivi did you manage to solve it? Any ideas how to fix it? Thanks

@nadav-sellence Nope

I gave up using HuggingFace for this use-case - completely unusable despite having reached their support:

Thanks for your patience while we looked into this! We made a few changes on our side, where conversational has been changed to raw text-generation instead. We’re in the process of updating this and the documentation

So I have concluded that DialoGPT is not usable for conversational use-cases on HuggingFace (which is obviously untrue as their chat demo works).