I am using huggingfaceâs pipeline to extract embeddings of words in a sentence. As far as I know, first a sentence will be turned into a tokenized strings. I think the length of the tokenized string might not be equal to the number of words in the original sentence. I need to retrieve word embedding of a particular sentence.
For example, here is my code:
from transformers import pipeline, AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
import numpy as np
import re
model_name = "xlnet-base-cased"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({'pad_token': '[PAD]'})
model_pipeline = pipeline('feature-extraction', model=model_name, tokenizer=tokenizer)
def find_wordNo_sentence(word, sentence):
splitted_sen = sentence.split(" ")
index = splitted_sen.index(word)
for i,w in enumerate(splitted_sen):
if(word == w):
return i
print("not found") #0 base
def return_xlnet_embedding(word, sentence):
word = re.sub(r'[^\w]', " ", word)
word = " ".join(word.split())
sentence = re.sub(r'[^\w]', ' ', sentence)
sentence = " ".join(sentence.split())
id_word = find_wordNo_sentence(word, sentence)
data = model_pipeline(sentence)
n_words = len(sentence.split(" "))
n_embs = len(data[0])
print(n_embs, n_words)
if (n_words != n_embs):
"There is extra tokenized word"
results = data[0][id_word]
return np.array(results)
return "word not found"
return_xlnet_embedding('your', "what is your name?")
Then the output is:
what is your name [âwhatâ, âisâ, âyourâ, ânameâ] 6 4 6
So the length of tokenized string that is fed to the pipeline is two more than number of my words. How can I find which one (among these 6 values) are the embedding of my word?