Hi everyone, my end goal is to have a fine-tuned T5 model that can perform Q&A as well as summarization. I can train each of these tasks independently using the various AutoModels (eg: AutoModelForQuestionAnswering) but when I train the model using T5ForConditionalGeneration I don’t think I am formatting the Q&A inputs in the pre-process function .
Question 1: is T5ForConditionalGeneration appropriate for Q/A, keeping in mind that I also need to support summarization?
Question 2: is there a barebones example / explanation on how you would format the model inputs / labels when using T5ForConditionalGeneration for Q&A? The summarizer works when I train the combined datasets, but the Q/A gives terrible / random results. I am sure it’s how I am tokenizing the Q&A dataset so if anyone has an example using T5ForConditionalGeneration I would appreciate it.
Here is my preprocess function for the Q/A dataset:
def encode_qa(example,
encoder_max_len=max_input_length, decoder_max_len=max_target_length):
context = example['context']
question = example['question']
answer = example['answers']['text']
question_plus = f"{str(question)}"
question_plus += f" context: {str(context)} </s>"
answer_plus = ', '.join([i for i in list(answer)])
answer_plus = f"{answer_plus} </s>"
encoder_inputs = tokenizer(question_plus, truncation=True,
return_tensors='pt', max_length=encoder_max_len,
decoder_inputs = tokenizer(answer_plus, truncation=True,
return_tensors='pt', max_length=decoder_max_len,
input_ids = encoder_inputs['input_ids'][0]
input_attention = encoder_inputs['attention_mask'][0]
target_ids = decoder_inputs['input_ids'][0]
target_attention = decoder_inputs['attention_mask'][0]
outputs = {'input_ids':input_ids, 'attention_mask': input_attention,
'labels':target_ids, 'decoder_attention_mask':target_attention}
return outputs