FLAX/JAX Learning Resources

Hello all,

I have tried my best to organize FLAX/JAX learning resources. I hope it will be useful for all of us.
If you have more learning resources, drop a comment & I will add them here…

JAX is a numerical computation library that exposes a NumPy-like API with tracing capabilities.

Flax is the most widely used JAX library, with 129 dependent projects as of May 2021.
Flax builds on top of JAX with an ergonomic module abstraction using Python dataclasses that leads to concise and explicit code.

Flax’s “lifted” JAX transformations (e.g. vmap , remat ) allow you to nest JAX transformation and modules in any way you wish. It is also the library underlying all of the official Cloud TPU JAX examples.

Github links :
JAX Projects
FLAX examples

Colab links:
Causal Language Modelling on OSCAR
Masked Language Modelling on OSCAR
Text Classification on GLUE


JAX 101 Tutorial
Flax Basics Colab
Flax examples

More useful links:

Guide to run JAX on Google Cloud TPU.
Load Dataset in streaming mode

TALKS Date & Time:

30.6.2021 : 9am - 11am PST Zoom link

1.7.2021 : 8:30am - 10am PST Zoom link

2.7.2021 : 8am - 10am PST Zoom link


Great summary - thanks a lot @srisweet !

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My pleasure ! @patrickvonplaten
Can you please share the links to join the talks ?

There are online and accesable here: transformers/examples/research_projects/jax-projects at master · huggingface/transformers · GitHub

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Thank you very much ! @patrickvonplaten

My pleasure @alexlau .

Patrick will help you with this question.
@patrickvonplaten Can you tell us if the zoom talks will be recorded ?

Hi @alexlau,
Just found out that the zoom talks have been recorded…I will post the links once I get them…