Hi everyone, I am trying to generate sentences from a few keywords only. May I know which model and function I shall use? Thank you and I am a very beginner.
Input: “dinner”, “delicious”, “wonderful”, “steak”
Output: “We had a wonderful dinner yesterday and the steak was super delicious.”
Note that seq2seq models like T5/BART are very general: they just take a sequence as input, and produce another sequence as output. So this could be anything, e.g.
translating from one language to another (input sequence: French sentence, output sequence: English sentence for instance)
summarizing long text (input sequence: long article, output sequence: short summary)
text-to-SQL (input sequence: text describing a query in natural language, output sequence: SQL query)
code-to-docstring (this is what I do in one of the notebooks linked above)
So definitely, keywords-to-sentence will also work well.