Hello! I’m re-implementing the HF commit API (don’t ask) and I’m having troubles getting LFS files to be accepted as part of a commit.
I’ve managed to get the files preuploaded to the HF S3 buckets, and sent the completion request to the HF API.
and the API sends me back {"success":true} (thank you API!)
however, when I try to call /api/models/username/repo/commit/main, with this payload (note the identical OID that the LFS multipart finalize endpoint has accepted as uploaded)
I get a 400 back from the API with {"error":"Your push was rejected because an LFS pointer pointed to a file that does not exist. For instance, this can happen if you used git push --no-verify to push your changes. Offending file: - 20m_file.bin"}.
while this is the same error, the circumstances thru which it arose and can be troubleshooted are vastly different & doesn’t help me fix my issue at all :<
I took a quick look at your code, the issue might come from a mismatch in the size between the actual file uploaded to S3 and what it is sent in the verify request. in process_stream, you’re not taking the sample size in total_bytes, which makes the size off by 1024 bytes. you might also want to include the first 1024 bytes of the file in the SHA256 hash.
async fn process_stream<R>(mut reader: R, size: u64) -> io::Result<UploadInfo>
R: AsyncRead + Unpin,
let mut sample = vec![0u8; SAMPLE_SIZE.min(size as usize)];
reader.read_exact(&mut sample).await?;
let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
hasher.update(&sample); // Hash the sample bytes too
let mut total_bytes = sample.len() as u64; // Start with `sample` size
let mut buffer = vec![0u8; CHUNK_SIZE];
loop {
let bytes_read = reader.read(&mut buffer).await?;
if bytes_read == 0 {
total_bytes += bytes_read as u64;
Ok(UploadInfo {
size: total_bytes,
sha256: hasher.finalize().to_vec(),
with these changes, I managed to upload lfs files with your script.
I hope this helped!