HFvalidationerror: Repo_id must be in the form repo_name

Dear all,

I am running into the following HFValidationError. Did my research and couldnt find a solution so far. Anyone with ideas?

Is there a problem with the server side, package incompatibility?

huggingface_hub,utils_validators.HFValidationError: Repo id must be in the form ‘repo_name’ or ‘namespace/repo_name’: Use ‘repo_type’ argument if needed.

Best Regards,


I had this same error. my model is stored in a directory named all-MiniLM-L12-v2. It works great. I tried a new model and it had the same error. When I removed the folder called 1_Pooling which has one config.json file in it, the model loading gave the same error. Make sure in your model directory that there is a directory called 1_Pooling with the appropriate config.json file in it.
best regards,

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