Hi I've been introduced to Python for a short while

Hi I’ve been introduced to Python for a short while, and I don’t know whether it is legal to track some nsfw site like https://pephop.ai/. I’m using some code to help me deal with that, will that be OK?

The code works like this:
def monitor_site(url, interval=60):
“”“Monitor a website for NSFW content.”“”
print(f"Starting monitoring for NSFW content on {url} every {interval} seconds…“)
while True:
html_content = fetch_page_content(url)
if html_content:
main_content = extract_main_content(html_content)
is_nsfw = check_for_nsfw(main_content)
if is_nsfw:
print(f"NSFW content detected on {url}”)
print(f"No NSFW content detected on {url}")

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Of course, it depends on the country or region you live in, but I don’t think there’s anything illegal about it…
It’s just downloading the data from the site, checking the contents (using AI), and then changing the subsequent behavior.