How to add new language to NLLB tokenizer in Huggingface?

No Language Left Behind (NLLB) is the machine translation model available on facebook/nllb-200-distilled-600M · Hugging Face

It supports a list of languages but to add a new language in the tokenizer, the follow code runs successfully but the language token didn’t get add to the tokenizer object.

from transformers import AutoTokenizer

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/nllb-200-distilled-600M")

print('aym_Latn' in tokenizer.additional_special_tokens)




NllbTokenizerFast(name_or_path='facebook/nllb-200-distilled-600M', vocab_size=256204, model_max_length=1024, is_fast=True, padding_side='right', truncation_side='right', special_tokens={'bos_token': '<s>', 'eos_token': '</s>', 'unk_token': '<unk>', 'sep_token': '</s>', 'pad_token': '<pad>', 'cls_token': '<s>', 'mask_token': AddedToken("<mask>", rstrip=False, lstrip=True, single_word=False, normalized=True), 'additional_special_tokens': ['ace_Arab', 'ace_Latn', 'acm_Arab', 'acq_Arab', 'aeb_Arab', 'afr_Latn', 'ajp_Arab', 'aka_Latn', 'amh_Ethi', 'apc_Arab', 'arb_Arab', 'ars_Arab', 'ary_Arab', 'arz_Arab', 'asm_Beng', 'ast_Latn', 'awa_Deva', 'ayr_Latn', 'azb_Arab', 'azj_Latn', 'bak_Cyrl', 'bam_Latn', 'ban_Latn', 'bel_Cyrl', 'bem_Latn', 'ben_Beng', 'bho_Deva', 'bjn_Arab', 'bjn_Latn', 'bod_Tibt', 'bos_Latn', 'bug_Latn', 'bul_Cyrl', 'cat_Latn', 'ceb_Latn', 'ces_Latn', 'cjk_Latn', 'ckb_Arab', 'crh_Latn', 'cym_Latn', 'dan_Latn', 'deu_Latn', 'dik_Latn', 'dyu_Latn', 'dzo_Tibt', 'ell_Grek', 'eng_Latn', 'epo_Latn', 'est_Latn', 'eus_Latn', 'ewe_Latn', 'fao_Latn', 'pes_Arab', 'fij_Latn', 'fin_Latn', 'fon_Latn', 'fra_Latn', 'fur_Latn', 'fuv_Latn', 'gla_Latn', 'gle_Latn', 'glg_Latn', 'grn_Latn', 'guj_Gujr', 'hat_Latn', 'hau_Latn', 'heb_Hebr', 'hin_Deva', 'hne_Deva', 'hrv_Latn', 'hun_Latn', 'hye_Armn', 'ibo_Latn', 'ilo_Latn', 'ind_Latn', 'isl_Latn', 'ita_Latn', 'jav_Latn', 'jpn_Jpan', 'kab_Latn', 'kac_Latn', 'kam_Latn', 'kan_Knda', 'kas_Arab', 'kas_Deva', 'kat_Geor', 'knc_Arab', 'knc_Latn', 'kaz_Cyrl', 'kbp_Latn', 'kea_Latn', 'khm_Khmr', 'kik_Latn', 'kin_Latn', 'kir_Cyrl', 'kmb_Latn', 'kon_Latn', 'kor_Hang', 'kmr_Latn', 'lao_Laoo', 'lvs_Latn', 'lij_Latn', 'lim_Latn', 'lin_Latn', 'lit_Latn', 'lmo_Latn', 'ltg_Latn', 'ltz_Latn', 'lua_Latn', 'lug_Latn', 'luo_Latn', 'lus_Latn', 'mag_Deva', 'mai_Deva', 'mal_Mlym', 'mar_Deva', 'min_Latn', 'mkd_Cyrl', 'plt_Latn', 'mlt_Latn', 'mni_Beng', 'khk_Cyrl', 'mos_Latn', 'mri_Latn', 'zsm_Latn', 'mya_Mymr', 'nld_Latn', 'nno_Latn', 'nob_Latn', 'npi_Deva', 'nso_Latn', 'nus_Latn', 'nya_Latn', 'oci_Latn', 'gaz_Latn', 'ory_Orya', 'pag_Latn', 'pan_Guru', 'pap_Latn', 'pol_Latn', 'por_Latn', 'prs_Arab', 'pbt_Arab', 'quy_Latn', 'ron_Latn', 'run_Latn', 'rus_Cyrl', 'sag_Latn', 'san_Deva', 'sat_Beng', 'scn_Latn', 'shn_Mymr', 'sin_Sinh', 'slk_Latn', 'slv_Latn', 'smo_Latn', 'sna_Latn', 'snd_Arab', 'som_Latn', 'sot_Latn', 'spa_Latn', 'als_Latn', 'srd_Latn', 'srp_Cyrl', 'ssw_Latn', 'sun_Latn', 'swe_Latn', 'swh_Latn', 'szl_Latn', 'tam_Taml', 'tat_Cyrl', 'tel_Telu', 'tgk_Cyrl', 'tgl_Latn', 'tha_Thai', 'tir_Ethi', 'taq_Latn', 'taq_Tfng', 'tpi_Latn', 'tsn_Latn', 'tso_Latn', 'tuk_Latn', 'tum_Latn', 'tur_Latn', 'twi_Latn', 'tzm_Tfng', 'uig_Arab', 'ukr_Cyrl', 'umb_Latn', 'urd_Arab', 'uzn_Latn', 'vec_Latn', 'vie_Latn', 'war_Latn', 'wol_Latn', 'xho_Latn', 'ydd_Hebr', 'yor_Latn', 'yue_Hant', 'zho_Hans', 'zho_Hant', 'zul_Latn']}, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)

There’s some solution on How to add some new special tokens to a pretrained tokenizer? · Issue #247 · huggingface/tokenizers · GitHub but note that if you do something like overriding the additional special tokens, the original ones will be lost, i.e.

from transformers import AutoTokenizer

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/nllb-200-distilled-600M")
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({'additional_special_tokens': ['aym_Latn']})

print('aym_Latn' in tokenizer.additional_special_tokens)



NllbTokenizerFast(name_or_path='facebook/nllb-200-distilled-600M', vocab_size=256204, model_max_length=1024, is_fast=True, padding_side='right', truncation_side='right', special_tokens={'bos_token': '<s>', 'eos_token': '</s>', 'unk_token': '<unk>', 'sep_token': '</s>', 'pad_token': '<pad>', 'cls_token': '<s>', 'mask_token': AddedToken("<mask>", rstrip=False, lstrip=True, single_word=False, normalized=True), 'additional_special_tokens': ['aym_Latn']}, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)

How to add new language to NLLB tokenizer in Huggingface?

My questions in parts are:

  • (part1) How to add the special tokens for new languages?
  • (part2) After adding the special tokens, are there additional steps to properly tokenize inputs? E.g. change/set the language token assignment function
  • (part3) After adding the special tokens and any additional steps, when processing the inputs, should the special token be pre-pended in the raw string? Or is there a special function in NLLB tokenizer to automatically add it in when initializing the tokenizer?
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Also asked on python - How to add new language to NLLB tokenizer in Huggingface? - Stack Overflow

As far as I know, there is no recommended way to add new language codes to a NllbTokenizer.
I have created an issue about it NllbTokenizer: optionally list language codes in the config, to enable updating it more smoothly · Issue #26497 · huggingface/transformers · GitHub, and proposed an enhancement that would fix it.