How to get list of downloaded models names?

I need to get list of downloaded models names.

There is location for downloaded models but it does not show proper name. It show only numbers and words random name. Location - ~/.cache/huggingface/transformers

How can get list of downloaded models names which I used previously using Transformers?

If you take a peek at the main version (which will be released tomorrow or Wednesday) the cache migrates to another format where you can quickly see the repo names :slight_smile:

That is good news but how to do it today?

Any news for this question?

+1 for original poster, any updates?

Found a way to do it:


pip install 'huggingface_hub[cli]'


huggingface-cli delete-cache

Which will show you a list of models you can select/deselect for deletion.

Source: Remove downloaded tensorflow and pytorch(Hugging face) models - Stack Overflow


I believe the best way to do it right now would be:

 huggingface-cli scan-cache

if you then wish to do delete something

pip install huggingface_hub[cli]

 huggingface-cli delete-cache

will pop-up a cool cli to do it