Hugging Face Chat Web Search Not Working?

Hello all!

For the past four days, I’ve been encountering the following error message:

Now, I can not see how to insert an image here but the error is:

“An error occured”

Searching Google

apple pie recipe
2. ### Browsing search results

  1. Failed to parse webpage

browserContext.newPage: Target page, context or browser has been closed,Favorite Apple Pie Recipe (VIDEO) - Sally's Baking Addiction
4. ### Failed to parse webpage

browserContext.newPage: Target page, context or browser has been closed,Easy Apple Pie Recipe (Just like Grandma Made!) - Little Spoon Farm

I’ve attempted various solutions including loading different models, trying different browsers, disabling VPN, turning off Anti-Virus software, ensuring my Windows clock is synced to GMT, and extensively searching online. It appears that the issue may be specific to my system, as I haven’t heard anyone else experiencing similar problems.

Could anyone provide insight into what might be causing this?

Best regards,

1 Like

I have more or less the same problem. I can not get it online. Tried to refresh token key (read).

  1. Searching Google

I apologize, but it seems like the query is incomplete or unclear. Could you please rephrase or provide more context so I can assist you better?
2. ### Browsing search results

  1. Failed to parse webpage

browserContext.newPage: Target page, context or browser has been closed Browser logs: [pid=3124][err] [0525/] SharedImageManager::ProduceMemory: Trying to Produce a Memory representation from a non-existent mailbox. [pid=3124][err] [0525/] SharedImageManager::ProduceMemory: Trying to Produce a Memory representation from a non-existent mailbox. [pid=3124][err] [0525/] SharedImageManager::ProduceMemory: Trying to Produce a Memory representation from a non-existent mailbox. [pid=3124][err]