I keep getting error when attempting to connect to some domains e.g, web.whatsapp socket, facebook etc

Hey @John6666 @not-lain I’d appreciate if you take a look at the below. Av noticed you’ve been watching posts concerning thing like this.

This problem started early january. Hugging face has made lots of changes to their platform. My space was a harmless whatsapp bot which was supposed to assist with some basic tasks. It’s been working since the past 4 months although it’s had it’s UPS and DOWNS.

My space is built using docker and from the latest:node with some basic dependencies the bot requires in order to run. The 3 required files are;

  1. Server.js
  2. Start.sh (moved it to the docker command)
  3. Dockerfile (contains all required commands, git clonings, etc)

Everything was ok until, i started getting some errors like getaddrinfo ENOENT when using some commands such as upscale, etc in the whatsapp app. Next thing, it was no longer connecting to the session ID which I use to connect the process to my whatsapp application.

I had to use the qr code pairing method as a temporary fix to connect my whatsapp application to the huggingface space which seemed to work for a while


The problem got worse when the server even stopped connecting to web.whatsapp.com to generate the qrcode which was the main thing in linking my whatsapp to the huggingface space.

I created another space which allowed me to test the connection to various domains which worked. When I tried connecting to whatsapp, it didn’t resolve, facebook didn’t, google did alongside some others which I don’t remember

I changed the DNS in the space’s connection and used a particular port to resolve that connection and it did work.

I don’t know what’s been up with hugging face lately but i’ll appreciate it if I get some answers at least

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Hello. Whether you’re happy or unhappy, you’re not alone. If you include the HF Discord, this is probably the fourth or fifth report in recent days.:sweat_smile:
I think it’s also correct to suspect DNS. I’ve reported it to Discord. It seems that some URLs have been improved for at least a week.
The fact that they have improved means that there was some kind of malfunction (misconfiguration). This means that there is a possibility that it will be fixed if you report it.

Oh ok. Thanks a lot. I joined the discord but haven’t seen any way to report. I was unable to chat in that section that had smth to do with reporting issues

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I’ve already reported this. To report, just write to give-hf-feedback channel. I think the only channel we can’t write to is the channel dedicated to announcements.