I need help getting more accurate results after training

Hello, I am very new to working with AI. I have been an SWE for 4 years but want to dive deeper into the AI side. I have been trying to learn by building things that can improve my company. It is a niche industry known as small commercial excess and surplus lines of insurance. I didn’t know it existed until I started working there.

The problem I am trying to solve is that we have a decent amount of users who don’t know which insurance product to choose or which classification (“class code” in the dataset) to pick.

The goal of what I want to do is to have a chat prompt that lets them explain what they need insurance for and let it explain what it thinks it should classify it as. I initially tried to use ollama with llama3.1 to do this. Now, as seen in the code I will share, have
been trying to user a BERT transformer to analyze the data and then use GPT-2 via pipeline to present it to the user using natural language.

I am struggling to get accurate results or results at all within my threshold for it to be accurate. I have tried various chunk sizes and overlaps but can’t seem to get it to work. The data is a little sparse, but I am having trouble finding fine-tuning data due to the industry being niche.

Any tips? Thanks in advance!


from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import numpy as np
from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel

# Load Sentence-BERT model for better embeddings
embedding_model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2')  # A lightweight but effective model

# Load GPT-2 model and tokenizer for response generation
gpt_tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')
gpt_model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('gpt2')

# Define the embedding function
def embed_text(text):
    return embedding_model.encode(text)

# Define the response generation function
def generate_response(retrieved_info):
    prompt = f"""
    [system] You are an insurance expert.
    [user] Please provide detailed information based on the following:
    inputs = gpt_tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors='pt')
    outputs = gpt_model.generate(inputs['input_ids'], max_length=150)
    response = gpt_tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
    return response

# Define the pipeline function
def pipeline(query, index, texts, threshold=0.7, top_k=5):
    # Embed the query
    query_embedding = embed_text(query)
    # Search in the FAISS index
    D, I = index.search(np.array([query_embedding]), k=top_k)

    # Check if the closest match meets the threshold
    if D[0][0] < threshold:
        # If a match is found
        best_info = texts[I[0][0]]
        response = generate_response(best_info)
        return response
        # If no good match is found, return the error message directly
        return "Sorry, I couldn't find a good match for your query."

import numpy as np
import os

# Define your chunking function
def chunk_text(text, chunk_size=1024, chunk_overlap=200):
    """Splits text into chunks with overlap."""
    words = text.split()
    chunks = []
    for i in range(0, len(words), chunk_size - chunk_overlap):
        chunk = " ".join(words[i:i + chunk_size])
    return chunks

# Load your dataset
with open("flattened_training_data.txt", "r") as file:
    texts = [line.strip() for line in file.readlines()]

# Chunk the texts based on your desired context and overlap
chunked_texts = []
for text in texts:

# Check if embeddings already exist
if os.path.exists("embeddings.npy"):
    embeddings = np.load("embeddings.npy")
    print("Loaded existing embeddings from disk.")
    embeddings = []
    start_idx = 0

    # Check if partial embeddings exist to resume from checkpoint
    if os.path.exists("partial_embeddings.npy"):
        embeddings = np.load("partial_embeddings.npy")
        start_idx = embeddings.shape[0]
        print(f"Resuming from embedding {start_idx}.")
        embeddings = []
        start_idx = 0

    # Compute embeddings with checkpointing
    for i, text in enumerate(chunked_texts[start_idx:], start=start_idx):
        embedding = embed_text(text)
        # Periodically save the embeddings
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            np.save("partial_embeddings.npy", np.vstack(embeddings))
            print(f"Saved {i + 1} embeddings.")

    # Final save
    np.save("embeddings.npy", np.vstack(embeddings))
    print("All embeddings computed and saved.")

import faiss
import numpy as np
import os

# Load FAISS index and embeddings from disk (if saved)
if os.path.exists("embeddings.npy"):
    embeddings = np.load("embeddings.npy")
    print("Embeddings loaded from disk.")
    raise ValueError("Embeddings file not found. Please run the embedding block first.")

# Print detailed information about the embeddings
print(f"Type of embeddings: {type(embeddings)}")
print(f"Shape of embeddings: {embeddings.shape}")
print(f"Data type of embeddings: {embeddings.dtype}")

# Ensure embeddings are in float32 format
embeddings = embeddings.astype(np.float32)

# Check the shape of the embeddings
if len(embeddings.shape) != 2:
    raise ValueError(f"Embeddings should be a 2D array, but got shape {embeddings.shape}")

# Create FAISS index from the loaded embeddings
d = embeddings.shape[1]  # Dimensionality of the embeddings
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d)

# Attempt to add embeddings and catch any errors
    print("FAISS index created and embeddings added successfully.")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
def generate_response(retrieved_info):
    # Prepare the prompt for GPT-2
    prompt = f"Given the following information, provide a detailed response: {retrieved_info}"

    inputs = gpt_tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors='pt')
    outputs = gpt_model.generate(inputs['input_ids'], max_length=100)

    # Decode the generated text
    response = gpt_tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
    return response

query = "What insurance shuold I get if someone is doing making soap?"

# Run the pipeline with the optimized setup
result = pipeline(query, index, texts)

# Check if result is a dictionary or an error message string
if isinstance(result, dict):
    # Successful retrieval, print details
    print(f"Retrieved Information: {result['retrieved_info']}")
    print(f"Similarity Score: {result['similarity_score']}")
    print(f"Generated Response: {result['response']}")
    # If result is not a dictionary, it's an error message

Note: some of these don’t have any additional included criteria for any inclusions or exclusions. Also this list is truncated due to the character limit allowed

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 46603
Description: Parking--Public--Not Open Air

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 46604
Description: Parking--Public--Open Air

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 46606
Description: Parking--Public--Shopping Centers--Maintained by Lessee (Lessor's Risk Only)

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 46607
Description: Parking--Public--Shopping Centers--Maintained by the Insured (Lessor's Risk Only)

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 46622
Description: Parking--Private

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 60010
Description: Apartment Buildings

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 60011
Description: Apartment Buildings--Garden

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 61212
Description: Buildings or Premises--Bank or Office--Mercantile or Mfg. (Lessor's Risk Only)--Other Than Not-For-Profit

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 61216
Description: Buildings or Premises--Bank or Office--Mercantile or Mfg. (Lessor's Risk Only)--Not-For-Profit Only

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 61217
Description: Buildings or Premises--Bank or Office--Mercantile or Mfg. (Lessor's Risk Only)--Maintained by the Insured--Other Than Not-For-Profit

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 61218
Description: Buildings or Premises--Bank or Office--Mercantile or Mfg. (Lessor's Risk Only)--Maintained by the Insured--Not-For-Profit Only

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 63010
Description: Dwellings--One-Family (Lessor's Risk Only)

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 63011
Description: Dwellings--Two-Family (Lessor's Risk Only)

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 63012
Description: Dwellings--Three-Family (Lessor's Risk Only)

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 63013
Description: Dwellings--Four-Family (Lessor's Risk Only)

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 67634
Description: Shopping Centers--Indoor Malls--Buildings or Premises Not Occupied by the Insured (Lessor's Risk Only)

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 67635
Description: Shopping Centers--Buildings or Premises Not Occupied by the Insured (Lessor's Risk Only)

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 68702
Description: Warehouses--Occupied by Multiple Interests (Lessor's Risk Only)

Product: Lessors Risk Only
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 68703
Description: Warehouses--Occupied by Single Interest (Lessor's Risk Only)

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16819
Description: Restaurants--Operated by Concessionaires--Other Than Not-For-Profit

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16820
Description: Restaurants--Operated by Concessionaires--Not-For-Profit Only

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16900
Description: Restaurants--with No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages--with Table Service

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16901
Description: Restaurants--with No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages--without Table Service with Seating

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16902
Description: Restaurants--with No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages--without Seating

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16910
Description: Restaurants--with Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that are Less Than 30% of the Annual Receipts of the Restaurants--with Table Service

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16911
Description: Restaurants--with Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that are Less Than 30% of the Annual Receipts of the Restaurants--without Table Service with Seating

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16915
Description: Restaurants--with Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that are 30% or More of But Less Than 75% of the Total Annual Receipts of the Restaurants--with Dance Floor

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16916
Description: Restaurants--with Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that are 30% or More of But Less Than 75% of the Total Annual Receipts of the Restaurants--without Dance Floor

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16920
Description: Restaurants--with Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that are 75% or More of Total Annual Receipts of the Restaurants--with Tables--with Dance Floor: Table Service

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16921
Description: Restaurants--with Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that are 75% or More of Total Annual Receipts of the Restaurants--with Tables--with Dance Floor: No Table Service

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16930
Description: Restaurants--with Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that are 75% or More of Total Annual Receipts of the Restaurants--with Tables--without Dance Floor: Table Service

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16931
Description: Restaurants--with Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that are 75% or More of Total Annual Receipts of the Restaurants--with Tables--without Dance Floor: No Table Service

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16940
Description: Restaurants--with Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that are 75% or More of Total Annual Receipts of the Restaurants--Bar Service Only (No Tables): with Dance Floor

Product: Restaurants
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 16941
Description: Restaurants--with Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that are 75% or More of Total Annual Receipts of the Restaurants--Bar Service Only (No Tables): without Dance Floor

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 14913
Description: Locksmiths
- Opening automobiles for customers who have lost their keys or locked them inside the car
- Selling of new door locks, window locks, or guards, replacement keys, safes or other related hardware
- 24-hour off-premises emergency service, including lock opening, safe opening and security-system service
- Selling, designing, installing and servicing locks for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial customers
- Installation, servicing and monitoring of burglary/security device systems

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 43470
Description: Pest Control Services
- Drilling of holes in wood, cement, soil etc. that is directly related to the installation of the pest control products
- Elimination of rodents and small animals, including rats, mice, bats, skunks, raccoons and squirrels
- Pest control technicians
- Installation and application of all types of pest control products that do not involve the use of gas and the preparing of the chemicals, bait, and traps
- Pest control work that involves insects such as (but not limited to) termites, bees, cockroaches, and spiders
- Exterminators
- Fumigation operations using smoke, vapor or gas pesticides to disinfect or destroy insects or rodents
- Replacing any part of a building or soil due to the damage caused by the pests
- Crop spraying operations

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 49840
Description: Window Decorating
- Placing merchandise and decorative items in display windows to attract attention to sales establishments
- Making, assembling, painting and arranging of various items to provide an attractive setting for the merchandise
- Interior decoration

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 90089
Description: Advertising Sign Companies--Outdoor
- Outdoor advertising sign or billboard companies
- Existence hazard of signs located away from premises
- Shop operations
- Erection, maintenance, repair or removal of signs
- Types of signs include plastic or vinyl billboards applied using an adhesive, rotating or scrolling signs, and digital signs
- Sign painting
- Interior decoration
- Advertising agencies
- Indoor sign erection, maintenance, and repair

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91111
Description: Air Conditioning Systems or Equipment--Dealers or Distributors and Installation
- Sales and installation, servicing or repair of air conditioning systems or equipment
- Air conditioning system ductwork cleaning
- Sales and installation of ducts and piping
- Shop and display room operations
- Sales, installation, service or repair of commercial refrigeration systems
- Installation, service or repair of TV or radio receiving equipment
- Air conditioning work on automobiles
- Sales, installation, service or repair of combined heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems or equipment
- Sales only of air conditioning systems or equipment, with no installation, servicing or repair operations

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91127
Description: Alarms and Alarm Systems--Installation
- Installation of fire alarms and fire alarm systems
- Incidental sales of alarm equipment that is installed as part of operations
- Transmission devices
- Installation operations include all components to a burglar or fire alarm system, such as:
- Ultrasonic devices
- Maintenance or repair services to alarms and alarm systems
- Control panels
- Installation of burglar alarms and burglar alarm systems
- Necessary line connection within the guarded premises
- Traps and foils on building openings
- Installation of only the wiring for the alarm system, with no alarm components installed
- Alarm monitoring services
- Installation of video surveillance systems with no alarms
- Installation, servicing or repair of fire suppression systems

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91150
Description: Appliances and Accessories--Installation
- Examples of commercial appliances considered within this class include washers, dryers, fans, stoves, dishwashers, toasters, vacuum cleaners, portable air conditioners, and refrigerators
- Incidental sale of replacement parts
- Installation, servicing and repair of commercial appliances and accessories
- Television or radio set installation or repair
- Delivery of appliances only, with no installation, servicing or repair

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91155
Description: Appliances and Accessories--Installation
- Examples of appliances considered within this class include washers, dryers, fans, stoves, dishwashers, toasters, vacuum cleaners, portable air conditioners, and refrigerators
- Incidental sale of replacement parts
- Installation, servicing and repair of household appliances and accessories
- Television or radio set installation or repair
- Delivery of appliances only, with no installation, servicing or repair

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91235
Description: Boat Repair and Servicing
- Boat types contemplated can range from small rowboats to large, highly sophisticated pleasure craft or sailing vessels
- Repair, servicing and reconditioning of boats under 150 feet
- Boat storage or moorage
- Boat building
- Boat sales
- Boat rentals

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91340
Description: Carpentry--Construction of Residential Property Not Exceeding Three Stories in Height
- Trusses
- Construction of private garages in connection with such residential property
- Sub-flooring
- Construction of decks
- Outside walls
- Rough carpentry work including, but not limited to:
- Framing (wood or light gauge metal studs)
- Interior finished carpentry work only
- Siding work
- Roofing work
- Insulation work
- Installation of dry wall or wallboard
- Construction or repair of residential buildings exceeding three stories in height
- Construction or repair of commercial or industrial buildings
- Installation of metal doors, windows and/or millwork
- Installation of wooden doors, windows and/or millwork

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91341
Description: Carpentry--Interior
- Wooden windows
- Shimming
- Hardwood floors
- Securing of finished carpentry products using nails, screws or glue
- Wooden doors
- Sanding
- Cutting
- Installation, service and repair of:
- Measuring
- Wooden cabinets
- Wooden garage doors
- Incidental shop work
- Job site operations include, but are not limited to:
- Fabrication and installation of closet organizer systems, including shelves, rods and drawers
- Other rough carpentry work, such as framing, building decks, studding of exterior walls, etc.
- Metal garage doors
- Non-structural remodeling work
- Laminate flooring
- Metal doors
- Granite or marble countertops
- Fabrication of wood products not installed
- Installation, service or repair of:
- Metal windows

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91342
Description: Carpentry
- Construction of wooden bridges
- Wooden bleacher or grandstand erection
- Construction or repair of residential buildings exceeding three stories in height
- Construction or repair of commercial or industrial buildings
- Installation of wooden playground equipment
- Installation of wooden framed boat docks
- Carpentry operations not described specifically by another construction classification
- Both the rough carpentry, including framing with wood or light gauge metal studs, and interior work, when the same contractor is responsible for both operations
- Installation of wooden guard railings
- Rough carpentry work on residential dwellings that are three stories or less in height
- Installation of metal playground equipment
- Boat lift installation
- Interior carpentry work only on for residential, commercial, and industrial projects
- Making, erecting or stripping of forms in connection with concrete work
- Installation of metal framed boat docks, even if they have wood planks
- Roofing operations

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91343
Description: Carpentry--Shop Only
- Carpentry shop producing items normally used in the carpentry trade, such as framing members, sheathing, and roof trusses
- Power or hand tools may be used to cut the lumber, create the desired shapes, and to nail, screw or glue the lumber into the final product
- Carpentry shop in which operations only involve the carpentry shop operations
- Heavy and rougher carpentry work which does not need a high degree of finishing work that is necessary for cabinet making or wood furniture manufacturing
- Lumberyards
- Installation of goods produced in the shop
- Building material dealers
- Home improvement stores

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91405
Description: Carpet
- Services involving the cleaning of rugs, carpeting, and upholstery on customers' premises only
- Cleaning of carpets, rugs, furniture or upholstery in shop only
- Upholstering work without cleaning
- Rug, carpet and upholstery cleaning performed in conjunction with other janitorial services

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91436
Description: Ceiling or Wall Installation--Metal
- Installation of metal ceilings and metal walls
- Ceiling or wall installation composed of dry wall products
- Ceiling or wall installation composed of wooden products

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91481
Description: Chimney Cleaning
- Removal of soot and other material built up inside the chimney by means of scraping, brushing or the use of vacuum equipment
- Chimney erection or repair work
- Cleaning and ventilation of exhaust hoods

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91507
Description: Clay or Shale Digging
- Operations for harvesting clay or shale
- Drilling and blasting to help break up the shale or clay for processing
- Use of mechanical apparatus to excavate the material from surface pits
- Sewer construction
- Surface mining for materials other than clay or shale
- Underground mining
- Sand or gravel digging
- Quarries

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91523
Description: Cleaning--Outside Surfaces of Buildings & Other Exterior Surfaces
- Entrance ways
- Sidewalks
- Gutters
- Cleaning of:
- Decks
- Driveways
- Awnings
- Exterior walls of buildings
- Services involving manual scraping, high pressure steam, laser technology or power washing
- Renovating operations
- Snow and ice removal on highways, street roads, and parking lots
- Mobile car wash operations
- Sandblasting operations
- Cleaning done as part of exterior painting operations
- Window cleaning
- Cleaning of parking lots

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91551
Description: Communication Equipment Installation--Industrial or Commercial
- Public address systems
- Installation of any related equipment or components, including the installation of wiring and control panels within the building
- Installation of communication systems, equipment and components for commercial or industrial use, including:
- Intercom systems
- Installation of signaling equipment, speakers, monitors, or scanners
- Audio or video systems
- Video surveillance systems without alarms
- Data transmitting systems
- Outside electrical power line construction
- Installation of fire alarm systems
- Telephone, telegraph or cable TV line construction
- Household communication equipment
- Installation of burglar systems

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91560
Description: Concrete Construction
- Making, setting up or taking down forms on concrete jobs
- Construction of foundations for residential and commercial buildings, including installation of concrete foundations such as basements, crawl spaces, and slab foundations
- Concrete pumping
- Casting and placing of concrete beams, walls and floor panels at the job site
- Installation of concrete bases for machinery or equipment
- Concrete cutting
- Installation of rebar
- Bridge and elevated highway construction
- Caisson or cofferdam work
- Installation of concrete sidewalks, walkways, parking lots, and driveways
- Tunneling
- Concrete work directly relating to street and road construction
- Guniting
- Subway construction
- Pile driving
- Excavation
- Construction of concrete bridges
- Sewer work

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91580
Description: Contractors--Executive Supervisors or Executive Superintendents
- Planning and control the delivery of materials
- Conferring with clients or architects or engineers
- Clerical office exposure
- Executive supervisors or executive superintendents:
- Having administrative or managerial responsibility for construction or erection projects
- Outside salesperson exposure
- Procurement of subcontractors
- Maintenance of construction time tables
- Exercising supervisory control through job superintendents or forepersons
- Procurement of materials
- Overall managerial responsibilities for a project may include:
- Visits to job sites to inspect progress
- Supervisors or forepersons assigned to a given job location

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91629
Description: Debris Removal--Construction Site
- Operations only involving removal of construction debris left by other contractors at a construction or erection job site
- Salvage operations
- Roll-off container, dumpster, or collection bin drop off or rental operations for commercial use

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 91746
Description: Door
- Emergency windows
- Heavy bronze church doors
- Examples of metal millwork include, but are not limited to, casings, sashes, molding and mantels
- Examples of metal door installation include, but are not limited to:
- Automating entry doors
- Residential screen doors
- Installation of metal doors, windows or millwork for commercial, industrial and residential clients
- Bay windows
- Skylights
- Overhead receiving doors
- Stained glass windows
- Examples of metal window installation include, but are not limited to:
- Garage doors
- Installation, service or repair of wooden doors, wooden windows or wooden millwork
- Installation of window tinting, using spray-on tinting, when applied from the exterior of the building
- Installation of window tinting, using film-type tinting, when applied from the interior of the building
- Installation of window tinting, using spray-on tinting, when applied from the interior of the building
- Replacement of glass or any glazier work
- Installation of window tinting, using film-type tinting, when applied from the exterior of the building

Product: Contractors
Line of Business: generalLiability
Class Code: 92102
Description: Drilling--Water
- Running the water lines to the system it is supporting, such as the plumbing system of a building or an irrigation system
- Installing the pump
- Drilling and installation of water wells, including:
- Any other work directly related to the installation of the well
- Capping the well
- Drilling the well
- Installation of an irrigation system for a farm
- Installation of the plumbing within the building