Inference API turned off ? Why?

Whay the inference API are turned off ?


“This model does not have enough activity to be deployed to Inference API (serverless) yet.”

Very annoying… is this permanent?

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It’s been a few days and still no change in symptoms or official announcement…
I don’t know what’s going on.

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What would increase it’s social visibility even mean? I thought the whole point of the serverless Inference API was testing.

Same problem here.
I use more than 10 models and all of them have the same message.

Same. Any more info on this…?

It seems like there are more new features related to the T2I model, or is it simply under maintenance…?
Anyway, I have no information.

Perhaps it would be helpful for all of us to make a list of models that have enough activity for all of us to play with.

The ones I have found “without censorship” are these (sorted by type):




If anyone finds any more, please add them to the list.


I used Explore Models and randomly clicked several “View on HF” links, and the result was the same: “This model does not have enough activity to be deployed to Inference API (serverless) yet” and a few “Inference API (serverless) has been turned off for this model.”
Many of them were models I’ve used in the past with no problem.

Sorting by Most Downloads will result in most of the models available in serverless. (except those that have been manually turned off or are not in Diffusers format)

Perhaps it is determined by the number of downloads or the amount of usage from Spaces.
But to begin with, wouldn’t it be tough to increase those downloads or exposure to Spaces without a serverless API…?
For example, a model like SD3 that has a lot of buzz from the start is good, but promoting a new minor model is extremely difficult, even if you create your own Spaces.
The gap between famous and newcomer is going to be extremely wide.

It would be easier to list them if they could be checked in the HfApi Client. I think it is non-compliant at the moment.

Still, I hope this is a temporary measure.
It will make the platform more unattractive for image generation model authors.

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It’s not a replacement for the serverless API, but Gradio’s load() seems to work as before, so for the time being I’ve created an image generation space creation support tool.
It’s almost like a joke software, since all I had to do was write a few lines of python…
Well, at least I can generate images in a free space.


This is too complicated for me, a beginner.
Anyway, thanks for the courtesy.

Thinking back, I got interested in it when I first started playing with serverless.
I don’t see the point of having people use Spaces to do the same things they were doing with serverless. (This time it was an emergency evacuation, though.)

Come back to serverless for everyone!:sob:

I did too. Really good, fast way to test models/loras etc with lots of examples and info right there on the page…

Now I am unable to edit my messages.




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It looks like the models with the :zap: symbol between the number of downloads and :heart: on the model list screen are serverless API available models.

Yeah. I think you’re right, but I did find some with no :zap: symbol and still serverless. eg, John6666/ras-real-anime-screencap-v1-sdxl (which is now one of my favorites).

“New User limited 3x reply” edit 7-26-24:
Yes! Some of the models I use are coming back too. Still waiting on a few, but the ones that came back are back to saying, “This model is currently loaded and running on Inference API (serverless).”

Added, thanks!
Now I understand. If people reply to that topic, I can’t edit my post… so I must copy and paste my updates…
I also want to thank John6666 for his 75% of nice anime models actives in list… I hope they are still alive next month!





My models seem to have started working again yesterday on serverless, though the message about social visibility is still displaying on the card.
