Is it possible to use HF Hub with NeMo punctuation models?

I’d like to know if NeMo’s punctuation models will have a demo form on the Hub.

I have tried to google an example, found only this npc-engine/exported-nemo-quartznet-ctc-stt · Hugging Face that does not have a demo form.

On nvidia (NVIDIA) there is no repositories with their punctuation models, unfortunately.


i’d suggest trying to open a Discussion in the “community” tab of one of the existing Nvidia NeMo model repos

hope this helps!

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We have a commercial solution available for case restoration and punctuation as an API. Do let me know if that would be helpful.

Don’t know if it helps, but I made two punctuation models:

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The question is solved.

The solution is to create a file. Example.- · dchaplinsky/punctuation_uk_bert at main

Here is a working example: dchaplinsky/punctuation_uk_bert · Hugging Face