Is wandb in Trainer configured for distributed training?

seems only doing init with main worker worked for me and it stopped having the 8 workers all logging to wandb, code:

report_to = "none"
report_to = "wandb"
if report_to != 'none' and is_main_process_using_local_rank():
        wandb.init(project="proj", entity="me", name='run_name_clean_wandb_dist', group='group_expt_name')

def is_main_process_using_local_rank() -> bool:
    Determines if it's the main process using the local rank.

    based on print statements:

    other ref:
        # - set up processes a la l2l
        local_rank: int = get_local_rank()
        init_process_group_l2l(args, local_rank=local_rank, world_size=args.world_size, init_method=args.init_method)
        rank: int = torch.distributed.get_rank() if is_running_parallel(local_rank) else -1
        args.rank = rank  # have each process save the rank
        set_devices_and_seed_ala_l2l(args)  # args.device = rank or .device
        print(f'setup process done for rank={args.rank}')
    local_rank: int = get_local_rank()
    return local_rank == -1 or local_rank == 0  # -1 means serial, 0 likely means parallel