Llama 2 API not working 404 error

hi i am trying use the API in my javaScript project, I got this API endpoint from llama 2 hugging face space from " use via API " but getting 404 not found error used exact same code given by hugging face.

import { client } from "@gradio/client";

const app = await client("https://huggingface-projects-llama-2-7b-chat.hf.space/--replicas/gm5p8/");
const result = await app.predict("/chat", [		
				"Howdy!", // string  in 'Message' Textbox component		
				"Howdy!", // string  in 'System prompt' Textbox component		
				1, // number (numeric value between 1 and 2048) in 'Max new tokens' Slider component		
				0.1, // number (numeric value between 0.1 and 4.0) in 'Temperature' Slider component		
				0.05, // number (numeric value between 0.05 and 1.0) in 'Top-p (nucleus sampling)' Slider component		
				1, // number (numeric value between 1 and 1000) in 'Top-k' Slider component		
				1, // number (numeric value between 1.0 and 2.0) in 'Repetition penalty' Slider component
