LLaMA2 - tokenizer padding affecting logits (even with attention_mask)

I’ve been working with the LLaMA2 model recently and noticed some behavior I’m confused about, probably due to a misunderstanding of mine.

Specifically, when I pad an input I’m getting different results for the loss and logits, even when I pass in the appropriate attention_mask.


model_id = "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf"
tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id, truncation_side='left', padding_side='right')
tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token
model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, load_in_8bit=True, device_map={"":0})

input_prompt = "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts do do do dooo"
input_prompt_tokenized = tokenizer(input_prompt, return_tensors="pt").to('cuda')
>>> {'input_ids': tensor([[    1,   306, 29915,   345,  2355,   263, 12355,   873, 14928,   310,
          1302,   535,  8842,   437,   437,   437,   437,  3634]],
       device='cuda:0'), 'attention_mask': tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]],

input_prompt_padded_tokenized = tokenizer(input_prompt, return_tensors="pt", padding="max_length", max_length=50).to('cuda')
>>> {'input_ids': tensor([[    1,   306, 29915,   345,  2355,   263, 12355,   873, 14928,   310,
          1302,   535,  8842,   437,   437,   437,   437,  3634,     2,     2,
             2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
             2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
             2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2]],
       device='cuda:0'), 'attention_mask': tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
         0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
         0, 0]], device='cuda:0')}

# Mask labels so that the values corresponding to the padding token do not contribute to the loss
input_ids_masked = torch.zeros(input_prompt_padded_tokenized.input_ids.shape, dtype=torch.int64).to('cuda')
torch.where(input_prompt_padded_tokenized.input_ids == tokenizer.pad_token_id,
            torch.tensor(-100, dtype=torch.int64),
>>> tensor([[    1,   306, 29915,   345,  2355,   263, 12355,   873, 14928,   310,
          1302,   535,  8842,   437,   437,   437,   437,  3634,  -100,  -100,
          -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,
          -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,
          -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -100]],

# Calculate logits and loss from the model using unpadded input
loss1 = model(
print(f"Loss (no padding): {loss1}")
>>> Loss (no padding): 2.885075330734253

logits1 = model(
print(f"Logits (no padding): {logits1}")
>>> Logits (no padding): tensor([[[-0.1272, -0.3352,  0.4062,  ...,  1.1426,  1.7002,  0.5195],
         [-8.2344, -9.7266, -0.2708,  ..., -3.2207, -7.9453, -2.6602],
         [-3.4395, -1.9326,  3.8789,  ..., -1.1035, -2.5391,  0.0756],
         [-3.2969, -2.8438,  8.3672,  ...,  0.7686, -2.7871, -2.1738],
         [-2.7637, -2.6953,  8.8516,  ...,  0.6499, -2.8164, -2.2754],
         [-2.4648, -1.4766,  8.0938,  ..., -0.4836, -2.8984, -2.3613]]],
       device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<ToCopyBackward0>)

# Calculate the logits and loss from the model using padded input (should be the same)
loss2 = model(
print(f"Loss (padding input & masking labels): {loss2}")
>>> Loss (padding input & masking labels): 2.8734283447265625

logits2 = model(
print(f"Logits (padding input & masking labels): {logits2}")
>>> Logits (padding input & masking labels): tensor([[[-1.2396e-01, -3.0322e-01,  3.9062e-01,  ...,  1.1309e+00,
           1.6719e+00,  4.6948e-01],
         [-8.2578e+00, -1.0047e+01, -3.9233e-01,  ..., -3.2793e+00,
          -7.9570e+00, -2.7129e+00],
         [-3.5547e+00, -1.9805e+00,  3.7363e+00,  ..., -1.2891e+00,
          -2.7754e+00,  5.6000e-03],
         [-4.9844e+00,  9.5781e+00,  5.0625e+00,  ..., -2.4512e+00,
          -3.1426e+00, -2.8789e+00],
         [-5.7969e+00,  1.5977e+00,  4.9141e+00,  ..., -3.9961e+00,
          -2.0273e+00, -4.2500e+00],
         [-5.6680e+00,  2.0645e+00,  4.7344e+00,  ..., -3.2168e+00,
          -1.3691e+00, -4.5547e+00]]], device='cuda:0',

I expected both the losses and the logits to be the same (for logits, I just expect the entries corresponding to the non-padded tokens to agree). I thought that the attention_mask prevented the padded tokens from mattering, and the padding goes on the right so the original tokens can’t attend to the padding anyway!

Or so I thought. It’s not a large difference, but I expected it to be identical. What am I missing here?


Can it be because of the randomness of the generative model?

A forward pass through the model should be deterministic as far as I understand. The same input sequence should give the same logits used to get next-token prediction probabilities. The randomness I’m aware of in most LLMs is from how you decide to pick the next tokens (eg. greedy, top-k sampling, beam search, etc.) not from the forward pass through the network.

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I am seeing the same issue. I have tried to add padding on both left and right. None of them work. Did you figure out the root cause?

@chien-wei No, I never figured out this issue!

I found the reason. One is about 8bit quantization, Another is pytorch’s feature. See Huggingface Transformers在padding之后结果差异分析 - 李理的博客 for more depth analysis.


Thanks for that.

Confirm that I got differences testing two prompts in a batch today.

The same behavior is observed for the GPT2 model. The 8 bit quantization will definitely impact how these differences accumulate. Moreover, I suspect that the differences in the likelihood are due to the changes in the input size, which affect the matrix multiplication approximations used internally.

Please consider reading the following resources for a more comprehensive understanding of this problem:

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I have the same issue with Llama2 in huggingface using torch.bfloat16.

I take the prompt “foo” and encode it with and without a padding token (so the encoded length is 2 and 3 tokens respectively). If I pad on the right then the first two outputs agree, but if I pad on the left then the final two do not agree.