I created my custom class:
class LingMessCoref(BertPreTrainedModel):
def __init__(self, config, args):
base_model = AutoModel.from_config(config)
self.base_model_prefix = base_model.base_model_prefix
self.config_class = base_model.config_class
setattr(self, self.base_model_prefix, base_model)
self.clf = Linear(config.hidden_size, 1)
I did the base_model
thing to be able to change the transformer to one of these options: ['longformer', 'roberta', 'deberta', 'bert']
the first initialization is:
model, loading_info = LingMessCoref.from_pretrained(
args.model_name_or_path, output_loading_info=True,
config=config, cache_dir=args.cache_dir, args=args
where model_name_or_path = 'allenai/longformer-large-4096'
To save the model checkpoint I run:
Then if I want to load the model again using from_pretrained
it seems like the weights not loaded.
the model accuracy and loss is different from the checkpoint run.
Is it make sense that when I change self
to LingMessCoref it works
base_model = AutoModel.from_config(config)
LingMessCoref.base_model_prefix = base_model.base_model_prefix
LingMessCoref.config_class = base_model.config_class
setattr(self, self.base_model_prefix, base_model)
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,