Hi there,
Thank you for creating so many content for the community.
Here are two bugs I detected during the course:
- Chap 7: “Main NLP Tasks” / “Summarization” - it’s impossible to run the code in the Notebook as the dataset is not available anymore
- Chap 9: “Building and sharing demos” / “Understanding the interface class” - A simple example with audio: if you want to run the code in a notebook cell, will not work as it cannot detect the parameter
source = "microphone"
the solution will be to leave “microphone”:
import numpy as np
import gradio as gr
def reverse_audio(audio):
sr, data = audio
reversed_audio = (sr, np.flipud(data))
return reversed_audio
mic = gr.Audio("microphone", type="numpy", label="Speak here...")
gr.Interface(reverse_audio, mic, "audio").launch()