Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct not working with pro inference api

Using this endpoint:

I get this error:

Error code: 500 - {‘error’: ‘The repository for microsoft/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct contains custom code which must be executed to correctly load the model. You can inspect the repository content at\nPlease pass the argument trust_remote_code=True to allow custom code to be run.’}

client.list_deployed_models() shows that the model is deployed. The 4k version works fine.


hi @sam-paech ,
Looking at the available models on TGI, currently, only microsoft/phi-3-mini-4k-instruct is available. I can check if we have plans to support the other models.

Running this code:

from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient
client = InferenceClient(token=MYTOKEN)

Returns this list for deployed text-generation models, which includes the 128k model:

‘text-generation’: [‘b3ck1/gpt-neo-125M-finetuned-beer-recipes’,

yes, it’s available with transformers, however, still incomplete the inference doesn’t support custom remote code.

And here is the list with all models that are “warm”

If you need to deploy Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct as inference endpoint you’ll need a custom handler to support trust_remote_code=True

This list doesn’t contain some models that are listed as deployed & are working with the api, e.g. command-r-plus.

I only just signed up for the pro subscription so I’m not sure how it’s supposed to work. But I would have assumed the list returned by


would represent the models that are available for inference with the API. If that isn’t the case, is there a way to get an authoritative list of deployed + working models?

Oops I was wrong, your list does contain command-r-plus.