I wanted to install this program so that it creates screenshots from anime (GitHub - cyber-meow/anime_screenshot_pipeline: A 99% automatized pipeline to construct training set from anime and more for text-to-image model training )
I followed the instructions.
1)Clone this
git clone directory GitHub - cyber-meow/anime_screenshot_pipeline: A 99% automatized pipeline to construct training set from anime and more for text-to-image model training
cd anime_screenshot_pipeline
2)Depending on your operating system, run either install.sh or install.bat in terminal (I have windows)
3)Don’t forget to activate the environment before running the main script
I didn’t get it a bit here.
but there were 3 choices in the console.I chose number 1.
4)The first stage of the screenshots pipeline uses ffmpeg (installed: ) from command line. You can install it with
Ubuntu: sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg
Windows: choco install ffmpegprovided that Chocolatey (installed : )is installed
If you want to use onnx with gpu, make sure cuda 11.8 (installed : )is properly installed as onnxruntime-gpu 1.16 ( I’m not sure because I don’t know how to check uses
) cuda 11.8
All I see when I try to run the program is the console opening for a split second and then it closes and that’s it.
I’ve searched the entire Internet, but I haven’t found a detailed installation guide. I’ve already written to all the forums asking for help.