PPOTrainer + LoRA and Continued Training

Hi all,

So, currently, I’m training a model with PPOTrainer and Lora.

When I do


It saves both an adapter_model.safetensors and a pytorch_model.bin

What is the difference between the two. There are both in the same file directory, but it seems when I load a model via from_pretrained it utilizes the adapter_model.

Does the pytorch_model.bin also have the lora adapters merged?

Additionally, I also want to do continue PPO training from a checkpoint. I load the checkpoint similarly like this and also

policy = AutoModelForCausalLMWithValueHead.from_pretrained(
    ref_model = AutoModelForCausalLMWithValueHead.from_pretrained(
        model_name, quantization_config=nf4_config

and also directly load the model parameters of the v_head and pretrained_model like this

model_dict = torch.load(
            os.path.join(best_checkpoint_path, "pytorch_model.bin"),
            map_location=lambda s, t: s,
v_head_state_dict = {}
pretrained_model_state_dict = {}
for k, v in model_dict.items():
  if k.startswith("v_head."):
      v_head_state_dict[k.replace("v_head.", "")] = v
      pretrained_model_state_dict[k] = v



As well as the optimizer. However, when I do this, the KL is also restarted at 0 when resuming training from the checkpoint. To load the model weights, I first tried loading the state_dict of the adapter_model. However, it’s missing keys for the v_head since it’s just a Lora adapter. How can I verify that training from the checkpoint is resuming properly with LoRA?

I am using versions

transformers             4.48.1
trl                      0.9.6
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