Question about RecurrentGemma intermediate_size


I have a question regarding the intermediate_size parameter in the RecurrentGemmaConfig. I noticed in the source code that intermediate_size is divided by 2.

Here’s the snippet of the code:

I observed that intermediate_size seems to correspond to mlp_expanded_width in RecurrentGemma’s official implementation. In the official 2B model, the model width is 2560 and the MLP expansion factor is 3, resulting in an mlp_expanded_width of 7680. However, in the Hugging Face implementation, the default intermediate_size is 15360.

Given that dividing by 2 yields 7680, which aligns with the official implementation, I’m curious why the division is necessary. Would it not be simpler and clearer to set intermediate_size directly to 7680, thus avoiding the division?

Thank you for your time and assistance.