Run training script in DDP using GLOO


I am desperately trying to run my training script in DDP using GLOO (on windows). I managed to do it on a single machine having 2 GPUs running the following command:

As NLCC is not available on windows I had to tweak the ‘setup_devices’ method of ‘’ and write:

torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend=“nccl”) → torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend=“gloo”)

along with the ‘distributed_concat’ in ‘’:

dist.all_gather(output_tensors, tensor) → dist.all_gather(output_tensors, tensor if len(tensor.shape) > 0 else tensor[None])

With those 2 changes I can run my script using DPP and GLOO backend on my 2GPU windows machine.
Following that I am now trying to run the script on 2 windows machines with 2 GPU each. From what I have understand I need to run the same script on both machine. Hence I used the following command on the 2 machines:


and …torch\distributed\


When doing so script start to be executed on both machine (loading the dataset on both sides) but then nothing happens and the scripts don t seem to go beyond the instruction:


in and just never ends…
Do you have any idea if what I am doing makes sense and how I should do to run my script in DDP on 2 windows machines with 2 GPU (using GLOO backend) ?

Thank you.

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did you manage to solve your issue? Mind sharing? :slight_smile: