Hi! I would like to use the model.generate() method from a pipeline to generate n_responses, as displayed here:
def generate_responses(batch, n_generations):
global pipeline_instance
# Apply the pipeline with n_generations outputs per input
batch_outputs = pipeline_instance(
batch["prompt"], num_return_sequences=n_generations,
return_full_text=False, batch_size=len(batch["text"]),
pad_token_id=pipeline_instance.tokenizer.eos_token_id, max_new_tokens=256
# Structure the output to match dataset format: list of dicts with "generated_text" field
batch["generated_text"] = [
[output["generated_text"] for output in outputs] for outputs in batch_outputs
return batch
A constraint I would like to apply to my generation, is that for every generation N’th generation, the seed is set to N-1 (e.g., for the fifth generated response, the seed would equal 4). I would like to encourage diversity this way, as inspired by this paper.
The problem is that I couldn’t find a way to do so through model.generate()
. Any tips on how to do this properly?
In case this isn’t possible, I may resort to simpler ways of encouraging variation, such as temperature or sampling settings.