Smaller RoBERTa model

I am training a smaller RoBERTa model (6layers) with BPE tokenizer on a domain specific corpus (not a large corpus) for MLM and it seems to do a good job in filling in masked words in testing. Also, the loss in Tensorboard looks much better compared to my BERT model (12layers) with wordpiece tokenizer.

When I try to use this small RoBERTa model on fine-tuning for QA (on squad2.0), predictions are mostly always empty. It returns almost always blanks as answer. I followed this but QA seems to be not doing great. Any recommendations to make the smaller RoBERTa model to fine-tune on squad? or should I go with bigger models (12-24 layers)? Is there a pruning while training method available in Transformers? I would appreciate any ideas… Thank you!

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hi @zb1 the official examples include Roberta distillation using the DistillBert method. You can find it here

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