I am trying to stream a dataset (i.e. to disk not to memory), refactor it using a generator and map, and then push it back to the hub. The following methodology acheives this but it is slow, due to the following error: Setting num_proc from 16 back to 1 for the train split to disable multiprocessing as it only contains one shard.
N.B. there was a GitHub issue related here this but I cannot create a solution with gen_kwargs
Here is my minimal reproduce-able code:
from datasets import Dataset, load_dataset
import os
# Load the dataset in streaming mode
streaming_ds = load_dataset("Tevatron/docmatix-ir", split="train", streaming=True)
# Create the map function to modify the dataset
def map_function(example):
return {
"query": example["query"],
"gold_index": example.pop("positive_passages"),
"negs": example.pop("negative_passages")
# Apply the transformation in a generator function
def generator():
# Only take the first 100 samples
for example in streaming_ds:
yield map_function(example)
# Use from_generator to process and save to disk
ds_on_disk = Dataset.from_generator(generator, num_proc=os.cpu_count())
# Push to Hugging Face Hub
ds_on_disk.push_to_hub("mixedbread-ai/omni-retrieval-dataset-william", "docmatix-ir-processed", private=True)
In the from_generator examples, it says that it should be implemented as follows:
def gen(shards):
for shard in shards:
with open(shard) as f:
for line in f:
yield {"line": line}
shards = [f"data{i}.txt" for i in range(32)]
ds = Dataset.from_generator(gen, gen_kwargs={"shards": shards})
Therefore I experimented with a new script to use gen_kwargs
to take in a series of shards from another dataset.
from datasets import Dataset, load_dataset
import os
def load_shard_dataset(shard_num):
base_url = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/jackyhate/text-to-image-2M/resolve/main/data_512_2M/data_{i:06d}.tar"
# Generate the URL for the specified shard
url = base_url.format(i=shard_num)
# Load the specific shard as the dataset
dataset = load_dataset("webdataset", data_files={"train": [url]}, split="train", streaming=True)
return dataset
# Create the map function to modify the dataset
def map_function(example):
return {
"query": example["json"]["prompt"],
# Apply the transformation in a generator function
def generator(shards):
for shard in shards:
ds = load_shard_dataset(shard)
for example in ds:
yield map_function(example)
# Use from_generator to process
shards = [shard for shard in range(30)]
print("Generating dataset")
ds_on_disk = Dataset.from_generator(generator, gen_kwargs={"shards": shards}, num_proc=os.cpu_count())
print("Pushing to Hugging Face Hub")
ds_on_disk.push_to_hub("mixedbread-ai/omni-retrieval-dataset-william", "docmatix-ir-processed", private=True)
This works to remove the error (so i assume the num_procs is set to 16), however it is even slower than using one CPU.