Late reply but I was wondering the same and could not find details in the doc so I put an answer here.
Based on Peft git repo, it seems that the model class returned by get_peft_model(peft_config)
depends on this value :
peft/src/peft/mapping , with the following mapping Line 81 :
MODEL_TYPE_TO_PEFT_MODEL_MAPPING: dict[str, type[PeftModel]] = {
"SEQ_CLS": PeftModelForSequenceClassification,
"SEQ_2_SEQ_LM": PeftModelForSeq2SeqLM,
"CAUSAL_LM": PeftModelForCausalLM,
"TOKEN_CLS": PeftModelForTokenClassification,
"QUESTION_ANS": PeftModelForQuestionAnswering,
"FEATURE_EXTRACTION": PeftModelForFeatureExtraction,
If you do not specify a value, you get a default PeftModel (Lines 210-220)
if peft_config.task_type not in MODEL_TYPE_TO_PEFT_MODEL_MAPPING.keys() and not peft_config.is_prompt_learning:
return PeftModel(
if peft_config.is_prompt_learning:
peft_config = _prepare_prompt_learning_config(peft_config, model_config)
return MODEL_TYPE_TO_PEFT_MODEL_MAPPING[peft_config.task_type](
model, peft_config, adapter_name=adapter_name, autocast_adapter_dtype=autocast_adapter_dtype
Finally it seems that in the case where task_type=SEQ_CLS
, the classifier heads are excluded from LoRA : in peft/src/peft/tuners/tuner_utils:
if output_emb is not None:
# ignore the last classification head for text generation models
last_module_name = [name for name, module in model.named_modules() if module is output_emb][0]
elif peft_config.task_type == TaskType.SEQ_CLS:
# ignore classifier head for classification models (issue 2027)
# there is no fix name for the classifier head, so check the common ones
for name in SEQ_CLS_HEAD_NAMES:
cls_head = getattr(model, name, None)
if cls_head is not None:
last_module_name = [name for name, module in model.named_modules() if module is cls_head][0]
and also the number of transformer_submodules increases from 1 to 2 in the case of SEQ_2_SEQ_LM (in peft/src/peft/
if config.num_transformer_submodules is None:
config.num_transformer_submodules = 2 if config.task_type == TaskType.SEQ_2_SEQ_LM else 1