Trainer class, compute_metrics and EvalPrediction

Hello everybody,

I am trying to use my own metric for a summarization task passing the compute_metrics to the Trainer class. I would like to calculate rouge 1, 2, L between the predictions of my model (fine-tuned T5) and the labels.

However, I have a problem understanding what the Trainer gives to the function. The EvalPrediction object should be composed of predictions and label_ids. To my understanding, since I am truncating the summaries to 150 characters, the predictions and label_ids should be vectors of size 150, or (batch_size, 150). Surprisingly, I get the predictions to be nested tuples, of size (23, 150, 32128) or (23, 12, 150, 64) or (23, 12, 512, 64), are these logits vectors? While the label_ids is a tuple with 23 vectors of size 150.

Can you kindly help me to understand what I should expect from the object EvalPrediction?

Thank you.


The predictions are the outputs of your model. Without seeing your model, no one can help you figure out what they are.

Hi @sgugger. Thank you for your reply.

The model I am using is T5. This is how I initialize the model and the dataset:

from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration, T5Tokenizer

t5 = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('t5-base')
t5_tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained('t5-base')

class CustomDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, data, tokenizer, input_len, summ_len, eval=False):
        self.tokenizer = tokenizer = data
        self.input_len = input_len
        self.summ_len = summ_len
        self.eval = eval
        self.article =
        self.summary =
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.summary)
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        item = {}
        article = str(self.article[idx])
        article = ' '.join(article.split())
        summary = str(self.summary[idx])
        summary = ' '.join(summary.split())

        source = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(
            max_length = self.input_len,
            truncation = True,
            padding = 'max_length',
            return_tensors = 'pt')
        target = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(
            max_length = self.summ_len,
            truncation = True,
            padding = 'max_length',
        item['input_ids'] = source['input_ids'].squeeze()
        item['attention_mask'] = source['attention_mask'].squeeze()
        y = target['input_ids'].squeeze()
        if not self.eval:
            y[y == self.tokenizer.pad_token_id] = -100
        item['labels'] = y
        return item

train_dataset = CustomDataset(
val_dataset = CustomDataset(
    eval = True)

This is how i set the TrainingArgs and the Trainer:

training_args = TrainingArguments(
    output_dir = '/content/drive/My Drive/t5_newssummary_train',
    overwrite_output_dir = True,
    do_train = True,
    evaluation_strategy = 'steps',
    eval_steps = 10,
    #prediction_loss_only = True,
    per_device_train_batch_size = TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE,
    per_device_eval_batch_size = VALID_BATCH_SIZE,
    num_train_epochs = TRAIN_EPOCHS,
    learning_rate = LEARNING_RATE,
    logging_steps = 10,
    seed = SEED,
    dataloader_num_workers = 0,
    run_name = 'doing_eval',
    logging_dir = '/content/drive/My Drive/t5_newssummary_train/logs',
    disable_tqdm = True
trainer = Trainer(
    model = t5,
    args = training_args,
    train_dataset = train_dataset,
    compute_metrics = my_compute_metrics,
    eval_dataset = val_dataset,
    optimizers = optimizers

And this is my compute_metrics function:

from transformers import EvalPrediction

def my_compute_metrics(p: EvalPrediction):
    predictions = p.predictions
    references = p.label_ids
    for r in references:

    return {'marco': 1}

The print_predictions function only prints the tuple object.

The output I get when evaluating is

(23, 150, 32128)
new tuple 12
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
new tuple 4
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 150, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 12, 512, 64)
(23, 512, 768)
{'eval_loss': 7.113981246948242, 'eval_marco': 1, 'epoch': 0.18518518518518517}

I made my compute_metrics function to print because I was getting weird predictions and labels. As I said in my initial post, what I am expecting from the model is 2 predictions (because of the batch size of 2) and 2 labels. What I get is 23 labels and some strange tuples for the predictions.

Thank you very much for your answer again, hope you can help me sort this out.

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I donā€™t know which head of the T5 model you are using since you didnā€™t show how the t5 object was created, so I canā€™t point you out to its documentation to look together at the outputs it returns.

@sgugger thank you. I edited my reply to be complete.

I am very sorry for wasting your time.

Hi @marcoabrate

The T5ForConditionalGeneration model returns a tuple which contains ['logits', 'past_key_values', 'encoder_last_hidden_state'].

To be able to calculate generative metrics, we need to generate the seq during evaluation, we canā€™t calculate these metrics using the logits

The examples/seq2seq here supports seqseq training (summrization, translation) and also computes the appropriate metrics (ROUGE, BLUE etc).

For seq2seq training consider using Seq2SeqTrainer and (which uses Trainer) or (which uses pytorch-lightning).

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Perfect. Thank you for all the information!